

International Journal of Information systems and Project Management


| Volume 13 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 13 No. 01
    [2025] João Varajão

  • | Mentoring adoption across the information systems project management process: Perceptions of IS project managers
    [2025] Felix B Tan, Paul TM Leong

    • Abstract: To-date, there appears to be a dearth of information systems (IS) project management mentoring research relating to mentoring practices across the IS project management process. This study contributes to our understanding of the nature of mentoring practices in IS projects. Practicing IS project managers in multinational companies were asked about their mentoring experiences. Findings were based on data collected via a web-based descriptive survey. Four key observations were noted. Mentoring practice adoption was perceived as positive. Practicing IS project managers were cognizant of the benefits that can accrue from mentoring adoption. The drive for project success was a key motivation. Adoption was more expedient and forthcoming in an informal relationship situation. Overall, mentoring was perceived to enhance IS project management practice. The paper concludes by providing some directions for future research

      Keywords:IS project management mentoring adoption, characteristics of mentoring practice, project success, descriptive survey

  • | A structured taxonomy for effective digital transformation project implementation: Development, validation, and practical insights
    [2025] Rahnuma Tarannum, Bertha Joseph Ngereja, Bassam Hussein

    • Abstract: The aim of this study was to develop and validate a taxonomy designed to assist organizations in formulating their Digital Transformation Project implementation strategies. In creating this taxonomy, we sought to blend both conceptual frameworks and empirical data. The initial phase involved a scoping review that synthesized existing literature to lay the foundation for the taxonomy. Subsequently, we aimed to validate the taxonomy by gathering feedback from industry experts in Germany using a closed card sorting technique, complemented by case study analysis. This structured compilation of information regarding implementation strategies, presented through the taxonomy, simplifies the process for practitioners. Such a taxonomy enables practitioners to adopt a standardized vocabulary, which supports decision-making, encourages learning from previous successes and challenges, and facilitates the application of these lessons to their projects. Additionally, we have included practical case scenarios within the taxonomy, offering guidance for organizations on leveraging it in the execution of digital transformation projects.

      Keywords:digital transformation projects, card sorting technique, case study analysis, implementation strategies, taxonomy development

  • | Blockchain adoption factors
    [2025] Carlos Bernardino, Francisco Cesário, Carlos J. Costa, Manuela Aparicio

    • Abstract: Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger that promises transformative changes across various sectors, yet its adoption and integrations in small and medium-sized organizations remain limited. This study investigates the factors that influence the adoption of blockchain technology, emphasizing the significance of Trust and Security as key moderators. Using a questionnaire distributed to a diverse group of employees and analyzing responses through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS), we constructed a predictive model of blockchain adoption. Our analysis reveals that Performance Expectancy and Social Influence positively affect the intention to adopt blockchain, indicating that perceived effectiveness and peer support drive adoption. Trust significantly enhances this intention, underscoring the importance of confidence in the technology's reliability and security. Environmental Concerns present a barrier, suggesting sustainability perceptions can deter adoption. This study conclusively demonstrates that promoting trust, addressing environmental sustainability, and leveraging social influence are pivotal for accelerating blockchain adoption in small and medium-sized organizations.

      Keywords:blockchain, blockchain adoption, technology acceptance, technology use behavior

  • | Measuring and predicting teamwork quality in virtual project teams
    [2025] Markus Behn, Gilbert Silvius

    • Abstract: More and more members of project organizations collaborate in virtual teams. Due to globalization and more recently driven by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of virtual project team members grew significantly, and many leaders look for key factors which allow virtual teams to reach a higher level of Teamwork Quality. This article summarizes previous investigations to develop a measuring instrument for both Teamwork Quality and potential predictors. Based on a literature review a conceptual model with 30 salient items measuring ten latent predictors as well as one latent concept for Teamwork Quality has been developed and transformed into a survey. The questionnaire was shared online and completed by 211 members of virtual project teams. Afterwards an Explorative Factor Analysis as well as a Reliability Analysis have been performed to explore the structure of the items. The result suggested one dependent measure for Teamwork Quality in virtual project teams and three latent predictors. These factors have been included into a Structural Equation Model and have been supported by a Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The steps described led to three factors (Personal Commitment, Team Balance & Mutual Support, Result Orientation) that have an influence on the latent variable “Willingness to succeed”.

      Keywords:virtual project teams, project management, teamwork quality, remote collaboration, team performance

| Volume 12 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 12 No. 04
    [2024] Nilton Takagi

  • | Soft skills and learning methods for 21st-century project management: a review
    [2024] Jason Kearney, Taryn Bond-Barnard, Ritesh Chugh

    • Abstract: This article addresses a prominent gap in the literature by investigating the crucial soft skills required by project management students, graduates, and new practitioners entering the contemporary workforce. The literature review study adopts a concept-centric approach to examine the essential soft skills and effective learning methods for new project managers in the 21st century. Five essential 21st-century project management soft skills (communication, leadership, interpersonal, teamwork and emotional intelligence) were identified, along with three learning methods (experiential, active and reflective) that can be used to develop them. The implications of this research extend to project management students, graduates, and educators alike, emphasising the importance of nurturing the identified soft skills. As the project management domain evolves, the findings highlight the need for an education that prioritises hands-on learning and reflective practices, enabling emerging project managers to excel in their roles and drive project success.

      Keywords:soft skills, learning methods, project management, education, competencies

  • | Small business, big footprint: the digital carbon footprint dilemma in small and medium-sized enterprises
    [2024] Ágnes Sándor, Ákos Gubán

    • Abstract: A major contributor to climate change is the emissions from Information and Communication Technology (ICT) devices and digitalisation. Energy use, heat production, and the operation of assets all contribute to the production of harmful emissions. However, indirect emissions, such as production and disposal, also play a role. We rely mainly on the output of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper focuses on the emissions of SMEs. Is it certain that cloud services (remote data storage and management) leave a much smaller carbon footprint than ICT devices for own use? These two solutions lead to a paradox: using more modern devices to produce less emissions requires more energy and generates more heat. This article analyses how to resolve this paradox for SMEs.

      Keywords:carbon footprint, SMEs, digitalization, digital emission, ICT emission, emission paradox

  • | The need for a risk management framework for data science projects: a systematic literature review
    [2024] Sucheta Lahiri, Jeff Saltz

    • Abstract: Many data science endeavors encounter failure, surfacing at any project phase. Even after successful deployments, data science projects grapple with ethical dilemmas, such as bias and discrimination. Current project management methodologies prioritize efficiency and cost savings over risk management. The methodologies largely overlook the diverse risks of sociotechnical systems and risk articulation inherent in data science lifecycles. Conversely, while the established risk management framework (RMF) by NIST and McKinsey aims to manage AI risks, there is a heavy reliance on normative definitions of risk, neglecting the multifaceted subjectivities of data science project failures. This paper reports on a systematic literature review that identifies three main themes: Big Data Execution Issues, Demand for a Risk Management Framework tailored for Large-Scale Data Science Projects, and the need for a General Risk Management Framework for all Data Science Endeavors. Another overarching focus is on how risk is articulated by the institution and the practitioners. The paper discusses a novel and adaptive data science risk management framework – “DS EthiCo RMF” – which merges project management, ethics, and risk management for diverse data science projects into one holistic framework. This agile risk management framework DS EthiCo RMF can bridge the current divide between normative risk standards and the multitude of data science requirements, offering a human-centric method to navigate the intertwined sociotechnical risks of failure in data science projects.

      Keywords:project management, risk management framework, data science, bias, methodology

  • | Project Change Canvas
    [2024] Raquel Ferreira, João Varajão, Luís Silva Rodrigues, Rui Dinis Sousa

    • Abstract: Project management plays a critical role in boosting the success of organizations' projects. However, no matter how well a project is managed, changes are inevitable during its execution. It is crucial to evaluate the impact of these changes before implementing them to ensure they do not compromise the project's success. Existing techniques for assessing the effects of changes have several limitations—particularly in their failure to account for how changes might affect various aspects of project management, such as scope, cost, time, resources, communication, risk, procurement, or overall success. To overcome this limitation, this article introduces a new technique – Project Change Canvas – that enables the systematic assessment of changes in information systems and technology projects by identifying and weighing their potential impacts across all relevant project management knowledge areas.

      Keywords:Project, Information systems, Information technologies, Integrated change assessment, Change, Canvas

| Volume 12 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 12 No. 03
    [2024] João Varajão

  • | Five years with the GDPR: an empirical study emphasising information privacy and the consumer
    [2024] Wanda Presthus, Hanne Sørum

    • Abstract: Consumers’ privacy rights have been enshrined in law, long before information systems and the Internet was brought to life. In 2018, stricter regulations relating to information privacy came into force, named the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Using elements of Roger’s diffusion of innovations theory, we investigated the research question: How has five years of the GDPR influenced consumer’s knowledge, attitude, and practice of their enhanced rights? We draw on empirical data collected in Norway through four online survey questionnaires over five years (N=1293). Quantitative (descriptive statistics) and qualitative analyses (manual cluster text mining) were performed to obtain a state-of-the-art mapping of insights on consumers and their information privacy. Our findings show that the respondents’ answers remained similar over the years, and that the GDPR has not had a significant influence on the consumer. The respondents demonstrated a high degree of knowledge regarding both the regulation and technology, such as cookies. Their attitude was sceptical, as they valued their enhanced rights but questioned the feasibility. Regarding their practice, our findings reveal diversity. Some respondents took careful actions to protect their privacy, while most did not. The present paper should be interesting to both the industry (practitioners) and academia (researchers).

      Keywords:information privacy, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), consumers, diffusion of innovations theory, online survey

  • | Team delivery capability and agility: complementary effects on information systems development project outcomes
    [2024] Weidong Xia, Shekhar Rathor, Dinesh Batra

    • Abstract: Contemporary Information systems development (ISD) involves not only implementing a predefined set of requirements but also managing changes that emerge during the development process due to unanticipated business and technical needs. ISD project requirements increasingly become both planned and emergent. ISD teams need delivery capabilities to routinely execute what has been planned, and agile capabilities to sense and respond to changes that emerge during the development project. In other words, ISD teams must effectively manage their abilities to not only routinely deliver software applications that meet defined requirements but also sense and respond to changes emerging during the project. The extant literature has not studied the distinction and relationship between ISD team delivery capability and agility. This study empirically examines the differential effects of ISD team delivery capability and agility on ISD project outcomes. Survey data collected from professionals working on 160 software development projects were used to test the research model and hypotheses. The results suggest that ISD delivery capability positively affects agility, agility positively impacts change-response outcome, and agility mediates the relationship between delivery capability and change-response outcome.

      Keywords:information systems development, team delivery capability, team agility, project outcomes, PLS

  • | Towards a comprehensive framework for risk assessment of organizational development project portfolios
    [2024] Camilo Micán, Gabriela Fernandes, Madalena Araújo

    • Abstract: The benefits of risk management in the context of project portfolios have been widely recognized in the literature. However, approaches that assess the risk of organizational development project portfolios from the perspective of how the portfolio delivers value to the parent organization remain largely unexplored. To address this gap, our research takes a constructivist approach and an organizational perspective on project portfolios. We conducted twenty-eight semi-structured interviews and used thematic analysis to identify and relate four themes of a comprehensive project portfolio risk assessment (PPRA) framework: "project portfolio as the organizational unit for PPRA"; "organizational capabilities as portfolio outcomes in which PPR can be assessed"; "project portfolio levels as sources of risk factors in PPRA"; and "balance between project portfolio attributes complexity". Within the framework of organizational development project portfolios, this study contributes to our understanding of PPRA by providing two propositions: (1) The capabilities to be generated by the project portfolio can be used as the portfolio primary results on which PPRA can assess the risk of the project portfolio, establishing the impact of PPR on the project portfolio value delivering to the parent organization, and (2) The risk factors that impact the project portfolio expected results can be represented into PPRA as ‘output-related’ risk factors and ‘outcome-related’ risk factors.

      Keywords:project portfolio management, project portfolio risk, risk assessment, qualitative analysis, thematic analysis

  • | The impact of Project Management Offices on organizational performance: a comprehensive review of the literature
    [2024] Rahmad Syalevi, Teguh Raharjo, Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo

    • Abstract: In today's dynamic environment, information technology (IT) stands as the cornerstone for organizational success and competitive advantage, with project management playing a crucial role in efficiently deploying IT resources. Recognized across diverse sectors like telecommunications, aerospace, and construction, Project Management Offices (PMOs) facilitate task organization and supervision, whether it is for IT product development, service improvement, system design, or implementing organizational changes. Despite extensive research on the positive impact of PMOs on organizational performance, a significant research gap exists due to the absence of a direct comparison between the influence of PMOs on IT and non-IT industries, indicating the necessity for further investigation in this domain. This study delves into the contribution of PMOs to organizational performance using the Competing Values Framework and evaluates five models and 17 performance metrics within the IT industry and across sectors. When comparing PMO performance, non-IT sectors precede interpersonal relationships, competency-based training, and workplace environment, whereas IT sectors emphasize the knowledge of PMO resource teams, efficient training, technology utilization, and collaboration for project success. Additionally, IT industries underline the role of technology in averting project management failures and prioritizing the punctual delivery of client requirements. These differences highlight the variations in PMO priorities between these industries, underscoring the significance of PMOs in enhancing organizational performance.

      Keywords:project management office, PMO, information technology, organizational performance, systematic literature review, competing values framework

| Volume 12 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 12 No. 02
    [2024] João Varajão

  • | Spend analytics in Norwegian public procurement: adoption status and influencing factors
    [2024] Marius Langseth, Moutaz Haddara

    • Abstract: Public procurement is an essential government function representing a substantial part of a nation’s economy. How decisions are made in public procurement influences nations' economic health and citizens' daily lives. In this study, we employ the technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework to investigate public procurement officials' adoption of spend analytics in Norway. Based on an analysis of survey data from 529 Norwegian procurement entities collected by the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management, we find that 61% do not utilize spend analytics, with adoption rates varying across different types of entities. A correlation analysis indicates that procurement analysis competencies are significantly associated with higher adoption rates, highlighting the critical role of analytical skills. Organizational factors such as procurement volume and a centralized purchasing unit are positively linked to the use of spend analytics. Environmental factors offer a contrasting picture: while specific factors seem to drive spending analytics adoption, a strong orientation towards sustainability and competency challenges may hinder it. These findings encourage a systemic look at how the public procurement system could be more data-driven.

      Keywords:public procurement, spend analytics, data-driven decision-making, DDDM, Norway

  • | Digital learning, big data analytics and mechanisms for stabilizing and improving supply chain performance
    [2024] Aziz Barhmi, Soulaimane Laghzaoui, Fahd Slamti, Mohamed Reda Rouijel

    • Abstract: This study attempts to shed light on the nature of the contribution of digital learning orientation (DLO), as an intangible resource, to the development of the dynamic capability of supply chain data analytics powered by artificial intelligence (SCDA-AI) as well as to the moderation of its effects on the enhancement of the operational capabilities of supply chain flexibility (SCFL), supply chain resilience (SCRE) and supply chain responsiveness (SCRES) in order to stabilize and improve supply chain performance (SCPER) in times of uncertainties and disruptions. The study was based on survey data collected from 200 foreign companies based in Morocco. Respondents were mainly senior and middle managers with experience in general management and supply chain (SC). Validity and reliability analyses and hypothesis testing were carried out using structural equation modelling (SEM) with SPSS Amos. The results revealed that DLO acts as an antecedent to SCDA-AI without moderating its effects on the three operational capabilities of SCFL, SCRE and SCRES. In addition, this study provides further empirical evidence that dynamic capabilities can produce significant results in terms of stabilizing and improving performance through the generation and/or reconfiguration of operational capabilities in situations of uncertainties and disruptions.

      Keywords:digital learning, supply chain, data analytics, capabilities, disruptions

  • | Enhancing project quality through effective team management
    [2024] Sławomir Wawak

    • Abstract: This study aims to explore the relationship between team management and project quality, identify key contributing factors, and examine the role of employee involvement, commitment, and innovation. An empirical, cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey to gather data from 510 respondents across various industries, projects, and experiences. Data analysis employed statistical techniques to reveal patterns and trends. Key factors contributing to project success include communication, comprehensive planning, clear roles and responsibilities, stakeholder requirements, and a supportive work environment. The significance of proper management approaches, techniques, and attitudes was also highlighted. The findings contribute to the current body of knowledge on project quality management and emphasize the need for a human-centered management approach to achieve high-quality project outcomes. This study sheds light on the pivotal role of effective team management in project quality, providing valuable insights and recommendations for project managers, team leaders, and organizations seeking to improve project performance.

      Keywords:team management, project quality, leadership competencies, human-centered approach, employee involvement

  • | A comparison of soft factors in the implementation and adoption of digitalization projects: a systematic literature review
    [2024] Bertha Joseph Ngereja, Bassam Hussein, Carsten Wolff

    • Abstract: This study expounds existing literature on digitalization projects taking a one-dimensional view on people at organizational, project and individual levels. Through a systematic literature review, we highlight and contrast the impact of soft factors on the implementation and adoption of digitalization projects. Four core enablers were identified and contrasted at different organizational levels in an integrated framework for successful implementation and adoption of digitalization projects. Findings indicate that both adoption and implementation of digitalization projects have similar core enablers at organizational level, significantly different actions that need to be taken at project level and slightly different characteristics at individual level. Moreover, eight critical soft factors were identified for successful implementation and adoption of digitalization projects. The findings provide valuable insights to practitioners and enable controlling the highest value factors to increase the success rate of digitalization projects and to identify the core elements that need attention at various organizational levels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic literature review that expounds the extent of knowledge available on success factors within the context of digitalization projects taking the single dimensional focus on people at different organizational levels.

      Keywords:digitalization project, digital transformation, individual success factors, literature review

| Volume 12 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 12 No. 01
    [2024] João Varajão

  • | Traction with fraction: Strategic IS management in SMEs through Fractional CIOs
    [2024] Simon Kratzer, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer

    • Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) increasingly need to manage information technology (IT) effectively in order to remain competitive. However, compared to larger organizations, SMEs often face challenges in terms of resources and employer attractiveness, and regularly do not have the need to employ a Chief Information Officer (CIO) on a full-time basis. To address this issue, a growing number of global experts have begun to provide CIO services on a part-time basis for multiple clients simultaneously. This approach allows SMEs to tap into the expertise of experienced IT leaders at a fraction of the cost and without committing to long-term arrangements. While these professionals, known as “Fractional CIOs”, have proven their value in the field, there has been a lack of academic research on this emerging trend. Therefore, we carried out a comprehensive research project between 2020 and 2023, involving 62 Fractional CIOs from 10 countries. The research produced a definition, different types of engagements, and success factors for Fractional CIOs and their engagements. This paper summarizes these findings for a wider audience of academics and practitioners.

      Keywords:fractional CIO, Chief Information Officer, SMEs, small businesses

  • | Tools for monitoring software quality in information systems development and maintenance: five key challenges and a design proposal
    [2024] Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer, Jon Aaen

    • Abstract: As software grows in size and complexity, organizations increasingly apply tools to automatically assess software quality of information systems during development and maintenance. Software quality assessment tools (SWQAT) promise fast and actionable insights into the technical state of software through various quality characteristics, such as maintainability, reliability, or security. These tools have been used to support a wide variety of IT project management decisions related to system development, contract negotiations, project terminations, and even settling legal disputes between suppliers and clients. However, despite their rising importance, questions regarding how they function and how reliable they are to support decision-making have so far escaped scholarly attention. This paper conducts an evaluation of widely used SWQATs and analyzes how they rate the quality of software systems of varying sizes, functionalities, and programming languages. Our results reveal five key challenges for using SWQATs in IT projects. To address these challenges, we propose a design for tailorable SWQATs that allows for more conscious and prudent software quality assessments that better reflect the socio-technical aspect of software systems and the context-specific nature of software quality.

      Keywords:software quality assessment tools, information systems management tools, software quality, project control and monitoring

  • | Problems and solutions in adopting information and communication technology in micro and small enterprises
    [2024] Daniel Vargas, Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura

    • Abstract: Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) are predominant worldwide and responsible for the greater employability of citizens, income generation, and production. However, they face resource constraints and rely on information and communication technology to remain competitive, which often causes many problems during or after the adoption process. Knowing the problems that affect micro and small enterprises and the solutions adopted may help other companies face the same issues In this work, based on a systematic literature review (SLR), we identified and analyzed the problems that occurred during or after the implementation of information and communication technologies in micro and small enterprises and what actions were taken to solve them. We sought to understand the behavior of problems and solutions in the last 21 years and the factors that influenced them. We performed an SLR using the snowballing technique, retrieving 12,936 articles in eight iterations, and selecting and analyzing 105 papers. As a result, we identified 129 problems, divided into 12 categories, and 48 solutions. Such an analysis is advantageous for academia, governments, and business managers, as it allows one to understand problems in advance and formulate more efficient policies, plans, and projects for these enterprises.

      Keywords:problems, information and communication technology, micro and small enterprises, adoption, solutions, ICT

  • | Metaverse adoption for the teaching and learning of project management: an exploratory study of student use
    [2024] Alanah Mitchell

    • Abstract: The rapid adoption of collaboration technologies over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the advancement, growth, and proliferation of metaverse technology capabilities, has created a heightened awareness and comfort with the use of advanced collaboration technologies for online and distance education. This paper presents an exploratory study of how metaverse technologies can be adopted for the teaching and learning of project management concepts and skills specifically, as metaverses have been identified as a legitimate tool for the support of virtual projects. As a part of this work, a task was designed and adopted in an undergraduate project management course. Study results related to the teaching and learning of project management as well as student perceptions of metaverse technology adoption show that students were able to work together in a metaverse environment and collaborate with one another to achieve group consensus on a task. Ultimately, the findings from this case can guide future adoptions of metaverse technologies both in and out of the classroom.

      Keywords:metaverse, collaborative learning tools, project management and collaboration, project management education

| Volume 11 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 11 No. 04
    [2023] Carlos Sousa Pinto

  • | Successful projects or success in project management - are projects dependent on a methodology?
    [2023] Henrik J. Nyman, Anssi Öörni

    • Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to bridge two seemingly disparate views of project management: proponents of project management methodologies promote a view where a standard set of predefined project practices guarantee project success, while a contingent view of projects suggests that project management needs to be adaptive to project actuality and context. Our aim in this paper is to understand how these different forms of managing projects impact project success. We investigate projects through a lens of discretion, defined as autonomy in the project team to adapt the project to its context as opposed to a reliance on a pre-defined set of rules for project management. We also look at the role of exploration, that is, whether the project focuses on the development of new knowledge, or whether the focus is on furthering existing competences. Based on our analysis, we propose a framework to determine the right amount of discretion in a project, highlighting which project management methodology is suited for the work at hand or whether discarding methodology altogether is more likely to lead to project success.

      Keywords:agile project management, traditional project management, contingency theory, discretion, exploration, exploitation

  • | Agile software development approach for 'ad-hoc' IT projects
    [2023] Michal Kuciapski, Bartosz Marcinkowski

    • Abstract: Restrictive Scrum assumptions make the effectiveness of this approach debatable in projects deviating from typical execution conditions. This article delivers a comprehensive software development approach for both academic and commercial Information Technology (IT) projects effectuated by teams that are hampered by significantly unsystematic participation of project members and mercurial internal communication. The nature of ‘ad-hoc’ projects imposes another level of difficulty in terms of both managing the conduct of such a project and ensuring the quality of the end product. Multicyclic action research enabled a gradual adaptation of the Scrum approach to support such project conditions. This study introduces major alterations to Sprint implementation and minor enhancements within the documentation process to streamline knowledge sharing among Development Team members. Proposed key alterations include the evolution of Daily Scrum towards Weekly Scrum, the possibility of extending Sprints length, the eventuality to switch team members during Sprint due to substantial failure to meet deadlines, having at least two team members responsible for a single Product Backlog Item (PBI) at all times, as well as exclusion of Burndown Chart in favor for Development Team members updating their working time. Positive validation of enhancements in mixed settings confirms that the generic Scrum framework can be adapted to support highly volatile projects. The proposed approach is suitable not only for carrying out software development initiatives that rely heavily on the skills of external experts and/or volunteers. It also supports traditional Scrum teams that seek to reduce their exposure to risk arising from organizational changes.

      Keywords:project management, agile, software development, systems engineering, Scrum, adaptation

  • | Competence of project management professionals according to type of project: a systematic literature review
    [2023] Nelson Rosamilha, Luciano Silva, Renato Penha

    • Abstract: Globalization and economic volatility changed the dynamics of production chains, which required new organizational arrangements from companies, leading them to projectization. Additionally, project professionals are managing increasingly complex projects, which demand an extensive and specific set of competences. In this context, this paper aims to identify the competences of project professionals by project type. A systematic literature review was carried out using the Scopus and Web of Sciences academic databases. The research corpus consisted of 209 articles published between 1989 and 2022. As a result, this research identified 173 competences distributed in 14 different project types; some competences have a greater significance for a given project type. As a contribution, when dealing specifically with projects and competences, project professionals, companies, and educational institutions can learn about the fundamental competences by type of project, improve the processes of selection and diagnosis of the professional, adapt educational programs, or even establish plans for project professionals career.

      Keywords:competence, project type, project professional career, project management, capacity building

  • | Information systems project management practice in Portugal - looking at the past to perspective the future
    [2023] Nilton Takagi, Carlos Oliveira, Fernando Escobar, António Trigo

    • Abstract: The study of Information Systems Project Management (ISPM) practice is fundamental for developing knowledge in this field. Over the past few years, several studies have been conducted in organizations by professionals and academics to identify approaches, processes, tools, and techniques, among other relevant aspects of project management practice. The use of these practices can be related to various factors, such as trends in the world of work or even the cultural context. In this way, an insight into the context of a given region can support actions to improve ISPM practice and raise success rates in information systems projects. This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review that seeks to synthesize how project management on information systems is practiced in Portugal and identify opportunities for developing the project management body of knowledge.

      Keywords:information systems, project management, practice, literature review, country, Portugal

| Volume 11 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 11 No. 03
    [2023] João Varajão

  • | Using the PMO to enforce and standardize the attention of software project managers to needs of software project teams
    [2023] Robert Hans, Ernest Mnkandla

    • Abstract: Software project teams (SPTs) are critical stakeholders. Their contribution in successful delivery of software projects is unquestionable. However, the empirical evidence of their importance seems to exist on paper only, as software project managers (SPMs) and scholars in the project management field ignore their individual needs, and as a result, SPTs remain the most neglected stakeholder group in the software industry. In endeavoring to address the neglect of SPTs by SPMs, the authors of this study developed a model aimed at assisting SPMs to pay due consideration to the needs of this important stakeholder group. At the heart of the model’s functionality is the Project Management Office (PMO), which intends to enforce and standardize the gathering and addressing of software project team needs and interests by SPMs. The aim of the research study is to investigate how the functions of the PMO can be applied to operationalize the enforcement and standardization of the overall function of the model. Since the study is practical-oriented, the pragmatic interpretive approach was considered a suitable methodology. Through the interpretative methodology, several appropriate functions of the PMO, such as «Project management methodology, standards, and tooling», «Monitoring and controlling project performance», «Human resource management» and «Development of project management competencies» as established from project management literature were utilized to achieve the study’s purpose. Even though the interpretation process was guided by literature, the inference was also influenced, to a certain extent, by the researcher opinion as «interested observer». Therefore, the approach presents a limitation to the study. Future studies should include the validation of the feasibility of the study’s claim in a real-world project setup.

      Keywords:software project, project management office, project team, project manager, enforcement, standardization

  • | Failure factors of AI projects: results from expert interviews
    [2023] Dennis Schlegel, Kajetan Schuler, Jens Westenberger

    • Abstract: In the last few years, business firms have substantially invested into the artificial intelligence (AI) technology. However, according to several studies, a significant percentage of AI projects fail or do not deliver business value. Due to the specific characteristics of AI projects, the existing body of knowledge about success and failure of information systems (IS) projects in general may not be transferrable to the context of AI. Therefore, the objective of our research has been to identify factors that can lead to AI project failure. Based on interviews with AI experts, this article identifies and discusses 12 factors that can lead to project failure. The factors can be further classified into five categories: unrealistic expectations, use case related issues, organizational constraints, lack of key resources, and, technological issues. This research contributes to knowledge by providing new empirical data and synthesizing the results with related findings from prior studies. Our results have important managerial implications for firms that aim to adopt AI by helping the organizations to anticipate and actively manage risks in order to increase the chances of project success.

      Keywords:AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, ML, failure, success

  • | CLIPS: Enriching interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus
    [2023] Katharina Dieterich, Peter Ohlhausen

    • Abstract: Project managers still face management problems in interorganizational Research and Development (R&D) projects due to their limited authority. Addressing a project culture which is conducive to cooperation and innovation in interorganizational R&D project management demands commitment of individual project members and thus balances this limited authority. However, the relational collaboration level at which project culture manifests itself is not addressed by current project management approaches, or it is addressed only at a late stage. Consequently, project culture develops within a predefined framework of project organization and organized contents and thus is not actively targeted. Therefore, a focus shift towards project culture becomes necessary. This can be done by a project-culture-aware management. The method CLIPS actively supports interorganizational project members in this kind of management. It should be integrable in the common project management approaches, that with its application all collaboration levels are addressed in interorganizational R&D project management. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the integrability of the method CLIPS and show how it can be integrated in common project management approaches. This enriches interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus.

      Keywords:interorganizational R&D projects, project culture, project-culture-aware management

  • | Critical success factors for DevOps adoption in information systems development
    [2023] Vihara Jayakody, Janaka Wijayanayake

    • Abstract: Adopting DevOps is challenging since it makes a significant paradigm shift in the Information Systems Development process. DevOps is a trending approach attached to the Agile Software Development Methodology, which facilitates adaptation to the customers' rapidly-changing requirements. It keeps one front step by introducing software operators who support the transmission between software and implementation into the software development team by confirming faster development, quality assurance, and easy maintenance of Information Systems. However, software development companies reported challenges in adopting DevOps. It is critical to control those challenges while getting hold of the benefits by studying Critical Success Factors (CSF) for adopting DevOps. This study aimed to analyze the use of DevOps approach in IS developments by exploring CSFs of DevOps. A systematic literature review was applied to identify CSFs. These factors were confirmed by interviewing DevOps practitioners while identifying more frequent CSFs in the software development industry. Finally, the research presents a conceptual model for CSFs of DevOps, which is a guide to reap the DevOps benefits while reducing the hurdles for enhancing the success of Information Systems. The conceptual model presents CSFs of DevOps by grouping them into four areas: collaborative culture, DevOps practices, proficient DevOps team, and Metrics & Measurement.

      Keywords:DevOps, critical success factors, information systems, agile software development methodology

| Volume 11 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 11 No. 02
    [2023] João Varajão

  • | Digitalization of revenue mobilization in an emerging economy: the new Institutional Theory perspective
    [2023] Nora Agyei-Ababio, Eric Ansong, Kwame Assa-Agyei

    • Abstract: This study sought to explore how the institutional environment comprising regulative, normative, and cognitive factors influences the use of technology in revenue mobilization in the public sector of an emerging economy. The study used the new institutional theory as a theoretical lens and a qualitative case study as a methodological stance. Data was collected from the agency in charge of revenue mobilization in the developing economy through interviews. The study established that regulative, normative and cognitive factors influence the digitalization of revenue mobilization. With regards to the regulative pillar, it was revealed that legislation for a revenue authority with a focus on digitalization, legislation for taxpayer identification and legislation for electronic transactions were laws that governed the use of the system and played essential roles in ensuring that the system was used effectively to fully realize its benefits. The cognitive pillar, on the other hand, revealed some challenges faced with the implementation and use of the digital system. The study contributes to the literature on the digitalization of revenue mobilization, which has arguably seen very few studies conducted in Africa, especially in Ghana, hence calling for more future studies on the use of e-revenue systems in developing economies.

      Keywords:revenue mobilization, institutional theory, developing economy, digitalization, public sector

  • | The characteristics of successful military IT projects: a cross-country empirical study
    [2023] Helene Berg, Jonathan D. Ritschel

    • Abstract: In the armed forces, successful digitalization is crucial to ensure effective operations. Much of the existing literature on project factors during the planning and execution phases of public IT projects do not focus specifically on military sector projects. Therefore, the paper aims to provide empirical insights into the characteristics of successful military IT projects. Data from such projects in NATO countries and agencies were collected through interviews and project documents. The findings relating to the main variable of interest, “delivery of client benefit,” supported previous findings on IT project performance. Medium-sized projects performed better than small and large projects, and the agile development method delivered more client benefit than traditional methods. Client involvement apparently had a positive effect on project success. Clearly specified objectives had a statistically significant effect on project success in terms of clients’ benefits. The paper contributes to the gap in research on military IT projects and broadens the project management literature’s focus on time and cost to include delivery of client benefit as a success variable. The use of cross-country data provided unique insights for academics and practitioners regarding which project characteristics affect the successful development and adoption of new software by the armed forces.

      Keywords:IT projects, project success, armed forces, agile development, software development, military sector

  • | Software developers reasoning behind adoption and use of software development methods – a systematic literature review
    [2023] Tanja Elina Havstorm, Fredrik Karlsson

    • Abstract: When adopting and using a Software Development Method (SDM), it is important to stay true to the philosophy of the method; otherwise, software developers might execute activities that do not lead to the intended outcomes. Currently, no overview of SDM research addresses software developers’ reasoning behind adopting and using SDMs. Accordingly, this paper aims to survey existing SDM research to scrutinize the current knowledge base on software developers’ type of reasoning behind SDM adoption and use. We executed a systematic literature review and analyzed existing research using two steps. First, we classified papers based on what type of reasoning was addressed regarding SDM adoption and use: rational, irrational, and non-rational. Second, we made a thematic synthesis across these three types of reasoning to provide a more detailed characterization of the existing research. We elicited 28 studies addressing software developers’ reasoning and identified five research themes. Building on these themes, we framed four future research directions with four broad research questions, which can be used as a basis for future research.

      Keywords:systems development method, software development method, systematic literature review, use, adoption

  • | An agile portfolio management model for the insurance sector: the APMI model
    [2023] Vasco Franqueira Dias, Alexandra B. Tenera

    • Abstract: Nowadays, the increasing uncertainty and instability make it crucial for traditional companies to become more agile and able to act fast on consumer needs and expectations. Therefore, many insurance companies are seeking to increasingly adopt Agile practices to become more effective, faster, and leaner in their critical processes. On the other hand, several companies are strengthening their planning methodologies by implementing Portfolio Management models. These models enable them to manage their initiatives in a more integrated and efficient manner that is strategically aligned, minimizes complexity, and provides higher flexibility when responding to uncertainty. Given the limited scientific knowledge in combining Agile and Portfolio Management (PfM), particularly in the insurance industry, a new Agile Portfolio Management (APfM) model, the APMI – Agile Portfolio Management for insurers was designed and tested, showing how Agile and PfM international practices can be conciliated with current insurance industry-specific practices. Results revealed a high satisfaction level with the model implementation, indicating that the proposed model can foster a greater strategic alignment, increase the organization’s strategic focus, promote transversal alignment and visibility, and support the organization’s capacity coordination.

      Keywords:agile, portfolio management, insurance industry, strategic planning

| Volume 11 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 11 No. 01
    [2023] João Varajão

  • | Supporting the digital transformation of SMEs — trained digital evangelists facilitating the positioning phase
    [2023] Jukka Kääriäinen, Leila Saari, Maarit Tihinen, Sari Perätalo

    • Abstract: As digital transformation (DT) sweeps over society, the exploitation of digital solutions is obvious, especially for large enterprises. Unfortunately, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle with DT because of limited resources, understanding, and implementation skills. Thus, SME companies need both methods and tools to proceed with DT as well as support to exploit them. This article presents a study in which adult learners with professional experience are trained to use a digitalization development method and tools to analyze target organizations’ digitalization state and identify improvement ideas. Thirty trained digital evangelists used the tools and methods while conducting digitalization status analyses in eleven organizations. The study results show that the method and tools work in the context presented in this research. The study’s findings are beneficial for the educational professionals interested in educating students towards helping SME organizations along their digitalization pathway.

      Keywords:digitalization, digital transformation, small and medium-sized enterprise, digital transformation model, digital maturity, digital evangelist

  • | Employees’ perception of value-added activity increase of Robotic Process Automation with time and cost efficiency: a case study
    [2023] Arafat Salih Aydıner, Selman Ortaköy, Zehra Özsürünç

    • Abstract: Implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is ubiquitous in the financial industry. However, the consequences are not clear enough in terms of strategic perspective. Drawing upon the theory of Task-Technology Fit, this study explores the emerging consequences with the exploratory sequential method. Data related to the time and cost of processes before and after the RPA implementation were collected and descriptively analyzed. Even though time and cost efficiency improvements occurred in 50 out of 54 of the processes, the results indicated no labor reduction after the RPA implementation and no cost reduction in some business units, contrary to reports in the literature. To investigate what happened to the human resource environment, we surveyed 106 employees who were affected by the implementation of RPA. No variance was found between the characteristics of the employees and the changes in the working environment. However, the descriptive results of the survey revealed that employees’ perception of value-added activities increased. These results provided that considering RPA as a routine process without calculating the strategic value creates process-oriented transformation with a lack of time and cost-efficiency.

      Keywords:financial technologies, RPA (Robotic process automation), value-added activity, cost and time reduction, task-technology fit

  • | Towards a framework for developing visual analytics in supply chain environments
    [2023] Alireza Khakpour, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Antonio Martini

    • Abstract: Visual Analytics (VA) has shown to be of significant importance for Supply Chain (SC) analytics. However, SC partners still have challenges incorporating it into their data-driven decision-making activities. A conceptual framework for the development and deployment of a VA system provides an abstract, platform-independent model for the whole process of VA, covering requirement specification, data collection and pre-processing, visualization recommendation, visualization specification and implementation, and evaluations. In this paper, we propose such a framework based on three main aspects: 1) Business view, 2) Asset view, and 3) Technology view. Each of these views covers a set of steps to facilitate the development and maintenance of the system in its context. The framework follows a consistent process structure that comprises activities, tasks, and people. The final output of the whole process is the VA as a deliverable. This facilitates the alignment of VA activities with business processes and decision-making activities. We presented the framework's applicability using an actual usage scenario and left the implementation of the system for future work.

      Keywords:visual analytics, supply chain analytics, conceptual framework, business intelligence

  • | Improving the evaluation of change requests using past cases
    [2023] Otávio da Cruz Mello, Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura

    • Abstract: As one of the leading causes of project failures, requirements changes are inevitable in any software project. Hence, we propose an intelligent approach to facilitate the risk analysis of a change request by providing information about past cases found in similar change requests, the solutions adopted, and a support tool. The proposed approach uses case-based reasoning to retrieve previous cases similar to the current case. This approach also uses association rules to analyze patterns in the dataset and calculate the probability of risks associated with change requests. We prepared a case study to validate the proposal by analyzing the most frequent challenges in change management and considering how it can solve or minimize such problems. Results show that the proposed approach successfully assists decision-making, predicts potential risks, and suggests coherent solutions to the user. We have developed a support tool to evaluate this approach in practice with experts and obtained four different outcomes. Only a small set of cases failed to provide relevant results to the user. The use of case-based reasoning and association rules has proven to be advantageous in change management despite validity threats associated with the small number of test cases and experts involved.

      Keywords:change management process, change request, risk management, case-based reasoning, association rules

| Volume 10 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 10 No. 04
    [2022] João Varajão

  • | Reassessing project practices, research, and theory in a post-Covid reality
    [2022] Jeffrey K. Pinto

    • Abstract: The world is slowly emerging from a series of healthcare, financial, and economic disruptions caused by the Covid19 pandemic. While it is still too early to come to a definitive reckoning of the myriad ways in which our world has been forced to make adjustments in how it operates pre-and-post Covid, it is worth considering at least one aspect of the post-Covid reality: its effects on project management practices and theory development. This paper offers my perspective on some implications for current and future practice in project management, as well as the ways in which Covid responses have created the potential for a “new normal” in theory and formulating research questions for project studies. Drawing on the Project Management Institute’s “Global Megatrends 2022” report, I will examine these six trends and their implications for future practice in project-based work, proposing three topics for future research.

      Keywords:projects, project management, trend analysis, Covid response, post-Covid, research

  • | Organizational adoption of Robotic Process Automation: managing the performativity of hype
    [2022] Antonios Kaniadakis, Laura Linturn

    • Abstract: Robotic process automation (RPA) has recently been subject to colossal hype. Although hype and expectations around technological innovation have been researched at length, there is limited research into the impact of hype at a firm level from an adopter’s perspective. Through an inductive multi-case study of five organizations from the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector that have adopted RPA over the past five years, we attempted to answer the question: how does RPA technology hype reach the shores of organizations and what adoption behaviour and decision making does it drive? Findings point to the critical role of senior management as instigators of adoption and legitimation, which goes beyond the sponsorship role identified in extant theory. Results also demonstrate that RPA adoption is driven by a ‘hunt’ for use cases by interdisciplinary teams, which exposes long-standing operational problems while at the same time offers opportunities for organizational learning. We contribute to a theoretical understanding of the organizational performativity of hype and draw lessons for industry practitioners considering RPA and other hyped technologies for organizational adoption.

      Keywords:RPA, hype, adoption, automation, organizational change, performativity

  • | Digital Transformation in European Union: North is leading, and South is lagging behind
    [2022] Ján Hunady, Peter Pisár, Dalia Suša Vugec, Mirjana Pejic Bach

    • Abstract: The transformation of the economy into a digital environment has become a necessary step in recent years. The consequences of the COVID pandemic have accelerated the digital transformation and the growth of the digital economy. Intensive business engagement in the digital economy requires innovative digital solutions and online means of promotion and sale. European Union (EU) countries need to create the conditions for the gradual transformation. The paper analyses business readiness for the digital economy in EU countries. It aims to compare and assess the current situation of digital readiness based on the set of selected indicators. The analysis includes a multidimensional comparison of EU countries, classification based on cluster analysis, and ranking based on factor analysis results. Results show significant differences among EU countries. Newer member countries, mostly from South-Eastern Europe, are still lagging behind the EU average in e-Commerce activities, usage of social networks, and cloud computing. Furthermore, factor analysis has been conducted to determine underlining factors describing the overall digital readiness of EU countries and rank them accordingly. As well as in the cluster analysis, factor analysis revealed that Nordic EU member countries perform very well and show the highest digital readiness.

      Keywords:digital business solutions, digital economy, cluster analysis, digital transformation, EU countries classification

  • | Challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing in project management virtual teams: a review
    [2022] Kurt Swart, Taryn Bond-Barnard, Ritesh Chugh

    • Abstract: Technological advancements, globalization, and the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed digital communication into a central tenet of many project management virtual teams (VTs). However, successful VTs are dependent on communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Through a systematic literature review, this study investigates the challenges and critical success factors of digital communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing in project management VTs. As a result, eight key common themes were identified - trust, cultural diversity, collaboration tools and technology, communication and knowledge hoarding, leadership, psychological safety, communication guidelines and training, and resource planning. Furthermore, given the geographically dispersed nature of VTs, they face additional challenges than teams that interact face-to-face (in-person). Therefore, mitigating the challenges by focusing on the identified themes could lead to project success.

      Keywords:virtual project teams, digital communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing, systematic review

| Volume 10 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 10 No. 03
    [2022] João Varajão

  • | From selling machinery to hybrid offerings – organizational impact of digital servitization on manufacturing firms
    [2022] Christoph Brosig, Susanne Strahringer, Markus Westner

    • Abstract: The transition towards services has been imperative for manufacturing firms for years. The change from a product-oriented to a more service-dominant business model affects the organizational structure of firms. However, literature provides limited insights into how manufacturing firms organize themselves in this transition. Even though digital technologies are critical for the transition, it is unclear how to orchestrate digital and traditional IT resources in manufacturing firms accordingly. We analyze the case of a typical manufacturing firm that has adjusted its structure to reorganize for solution offerings based on product, service, and digital components. Our results describe a hybrid organizational structure that splits front- and back-end units. The back-end units are split along solution components. Digital IT resources are internalized and governed decentrally, with traditional IT resources being outsourced and steered centrally. Our findings contribute to digital servitization research by clarifying the overarching as well as the digital and traditional IT-related organization for manufacturing firms.

      Keywords:digital servitization, manufacturing firm, organizational structure, digital technologies, service-dominant logic

  • | Characteristics of Blockchain and Smart Services, for Smart Governments: A systematic review of the literature
    [2022] Ahmed Alfatih D. Mohamed, Yazan M. Alkhateeb, Puneet Agarwal, Ahmed R. Abdelwahab

    • Abstract: The interest in blockchain technology has grown rapidly, day by day. This is simply because of the security and decentralization that it provides. Nevertheless, most government services around the world run on inefficient systems loaded with heavy bureaucracy. They lead to non-transparent systems and a loss of public confidence in government services. The present systematic review of the literature on this topic aims to highlight the characteristics of blockchain technology that demonstrate its uniqueness, together with the characteristics of the smart government services that are required for efficient service delivery. It was found that the dominant characteristics of blockchain technology that are expected to provide the highest value for customers are decentralization and the capacity to be shared and public, whereas the most desired characteristics for the efficient service delivery of smart government services are speed, trust and participation. The paper went on to examine how the use of blockchain technology in government services is impacting on their delivery to customers by using examples from all around the world and to conduct a SWOT analysis of the use of blockchain in the government sector. Its findings are expected to help governments to develop a blockchain strategy that helps smart government services to adopt blockchain successfully.

      Keywords:blockchain, e-government, smart-government, government Service, smart service, e-service

  • | A multi-dimensional model to the digital maturity life-cycle for SMEs
    [2022] Ágnes Sándor, Ákos Gubán

    • Abstract: As companies try to maintain and strengthen their competitive advantage, they should be aware of the level of their digital maturity. The study aims to present a methodology that helps to determine the position of a small and medium-sized enterprise in the digital maturity life-cycle. This is performed on the basis of maturity and digital maturity models, and company growth theories. A number of studies and models have been prepared to determine digital maturity on the basis of various sectoral criteria, but these are all one-dimensional. The study therefore proposes a multi-dimensional model for determining the digital maturity life-cycle of small and medium-sized enterprises that takes into account companies’ digital maturity, the IT intensity of various sectors and their organizational characteristics. The model defines five maturity levels together with their relevant characteristics, classified into three levels in terms of data- information. It can help small and medium-sized enterprises adopt more accurate decisions regarding areas in need of development.

      Keywords:digitalization, digital maturity, SME, life-cycle model, life-cycle functions

  • | Executives' role in digital transformation
    [2022] José Fernando López-Muñoz, Alejandro Escribá-Esteve

    • Abstract: This conceptual paper revisits and updates the concept of top management support (TMS), which has been the long-established rationale for explaining the role of top managers in digitalization activities. In our view, the concept of TMS is grounded in technological determinism, accounts for attitudinal and behavioral aspects that appear to be little more than exhortation and accepts the occasional responsibility of top managers in technology management. We consider both the crucial role that top managers may play in the digitalization process and the fact that digital technologies have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Then, we develop a model by which top managers and digital technologies are cooperatively involved for digitalization. For that, we have looked through the theoretical lens of imbrication and attention perspectives to reconstruct the role of top managers in the digital transformation process. In our view, each imbrication layer can be viewed as a process where top managers form beliefs to act on digital opportunities for strategic action. Specifically, our model provides insights into how executives’ characteristics and social processes impact the likelihood of forming either beliefs about radical or incremental opportunities requiring strategic action. Additionally, we offer several hypotheses that enrich our knowledge of the relationship between top managers and the digitalization process.

      Keywords:top management support, digitalization, imbrication, affordances, attention, digital transformation

| Volume 10 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 10 No. 02
    [2022] João Varajão

  • | Tensions and ambidexterity: a case study of an agile project at a government agency
    [2022] Carin Lindskog

    • Abstract: Today’s dynamic business environment must continuously adapt its software development methods to changing technologies and new requirements on the part of customers. Therefore, Agile methods are being used more and more used because they emphasize both flexibility and the ability to change. However, at the same time, the business-driven need for predictability and control remains. The purpose of this case study is to explore and theorize on paradoxical tensions and ambidexterity during an Agile software development project at a government agency. The study empirically examines how tensions and the ambidextrous responses to these tensions are related to Agile values. Data was collected by conducting interviews and studying internal project documents. Four categories of tensions (learning, organizing, performing, and belonging) were used for analytical purposes. The findings suggest that most of the tensions perceived were in the categories of learning and performing. There are, furthermore, several connections between the ambidextrous responses to these tensions and Agile principles. A deeper understanding of Agile values and principles is required in order to make projects successful. The contribution made by the study, therefore, is of great importance because Agile methods are for leading projects, not only in Agile software development, but also in other industries and sectors.

      Keywords:agile software development, paradoxical tensions, ambidexterity, government agency

  • | Can product modularization approaches help address challenges in technical project portfolio management? – Laying the foundations for a methodology transfer
    [2022] Thorsten Lammers, Matthias Guertler, Henning Skirde

    • Abstract: Formalized Project Portfolio Management (PPM) models struggle to provide comprehensive solutions to project selection, resource allocation and adaptability to dynamic technology project environments. In this article, we introduce a vision for a novel Modular Project Portfolio Management (MPPM) approach by drawing on well-established engineering methods for designing modular product architectures. We show how systems theory can be used to enable a transfer of methods from the area of engineering design and manufacturing to the area of PPM and how the concept of product modularity could help address challenges of existing PPM approaches. This lays the groundwork for the possible development of MPPM as a new and innovative methodology for managing complex technology and engineering project landscapes.

      Keywords:project portfolio management, technology projects, modular product architecture, systems theory, method transfer, project selection

  • | Hybrid project management – a systematic literature review
    [2022] Janine Reiff, Dennis Schlegel

    • Abstract: Hybrid project management is an approach that combines traditional and agile project management techniques. The goal is to benefit from the strengths of each approach, and, at the same time avoid the weaknesses. However, due to the variety of hybrid methodologies that have been presented in the meantime, it is not easy to understand the differences or similarities of the methodologies, as well as, the advantages or disadvantages of the hybrid approach in general. Additionally, there is only fragmented knowledge about prerequisites and success factors for successfully implementing hybrid project management in organizations. Hence, the aim of this study is to provide a structured overview of the current state of research regarding the topic. To address this aim, we have conducted a systematic literature review focusing on a set of specific research questions. As a result, four different hybrid methodologies are discussed, as well as, the definition, benefits, challenges, suitability and prerequisites of hybrid project management. Our study contributes to knowledge by synthesizing and structuring prior work in this growing area of research, which serves as a basis for purposeful and targeted research in the future.

      Keywords:hybrid project management, agile project management, traditional project management, project approaches, project management methodologies

  • | Risks associated with the development process of in-house information system projects
    [2022] Chia-Ping Yu, Wan-Ying Lin

    • Abstract: To provide a risk management perspective for managers responsible for in-house project development, we investigated how the risks associated with an in-house information system (IS) project evolve during the software development process. We conducted interviews and content analysis to examine the risks that affect project delivery quality. Three companies participated in this research. The results of this study indicate that risks related to organizational structure persist throughout the software development process. Content analysis indicated that in the conducted interviews, sentences regarding task- and actor-related risks characterized the first two phases of this process, and sentences regarding technology-related risks characterized the last two (third and fourth) phases. The results also suggest that different types of risks exert pressure on in-house project teams to reassess the weaknesses and resource allocation in a project and the possible solutions to any potential problems. This research explains risk dynamics throughout the life cycle of in-house IS development. Moreover, the findings of this study can help project managers identify the risks associated with the project development process that directly affect the project outcome.

      Keywords:risk, in-house IS project, project development process, information systems projects, development process, risk management

| Volume 10 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 10 No. 01
    [2022] João Varajão

  • | Robotic Process Automation: a review of organizational grey literature
    [2022] Ritesh Chugh, Stephanie Macht, Rahat Hossain

    • Abstract: Research on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the last decade has increased but lags behind developments in practice. This study explores the definition, evolution and categories of RPA, its benefits and challenges, identifies guidelines for implementation and provides a future outlook. Since there is an evident scarcity of comprehensive grey literature reviews in the area, this study presents an extensive narrative review of organizational grey literature on RPA by analyzing sixty-one organizational reports and white papers published between 2015 and 2020. This study provides a unified definition of RPA and groups the many categories of RPA into three types: basic automation, cognitive automation, and artificial intelligence. The study identifies the benefits of RPA and categorizes them into monetary; simplicity; efficiency and productivity; flexibility and scalability; reliability and consistency; compliance and governance; customer satisfaction; employee efficiency; and other long-term organizational benefits. The main challenges of RPA are awareness and perception of RPA; uncertainty about how to prepare for RPA; change management challenges while implementing RPA; and challenges associated with RPA vendors. Three main steps of RPA implementation are highlighted. This study provides practitioners and researchers with an extensive bird’s eye insight into RPA from an industry perspective.

      Keywords:bots, business services automation, process automation, robotic automation, Robotic Process Automation, literature review

  • | Changes to team autonomy in large-scale software development: a multiple case study of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) implementations
    [2022] Tomas Gustavsson, Marthe Berntzen, Viktoria Stray

    • Abstract: Large-scale transformations of agile ways of working have received more attention in the industry in recent years. Some organizations have developed their own solutions for scaling, whereas many have chosen trademarked frameworks. In large-scale agile software development, many developers and development teams carry out work simultaneously. When autonomous teams need to coordinate toward a common goal, they must sacrifice some level of autonomy. Development, testing, and integrations need to be coordinated with other teams and aligned with an organization´s programs or portfolio. Through the conducting of 28 interviews and 17 on-site visits, this multiple case study explored how team autonomy changed in three agile software development organizations that implemented the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). The positive changes to team autonomy that they experienced as a result included getting a better overview, making better long-term decisions, giving and receiving help, and signaling limitations. We found two negative impacts on team autonomy: limited feature choice and enforced refinement. The study extends previous research on large-scale agile software development and improves our understanding of impacts on team autonomy.

      Keywords:agile software development, team autonomy, Scaled Agile Framework, SAFe, large-scale agile

  • | We have a platform, but nobody builds on it – what influences Platform-as-a-Service post-adoption?
    [2022] Frederik Wulf, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer

    • Abstract: When higher-level management of a company has strategically decided to adopt Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) as a Cloud Computing (CC) delivery model, decision-makers at lower hierarchy levels still need to decide whether they want to post-adopt PaaS for building or running an information system (IS) – a decision that numerous companies are currently facing. This research analyzes the influential factors of this managerial post-adoption decision on the IS-level. A survey of 168 business and IT professionals investigated the influential factors of this PaaS post-adoption decision. The results show that decision-makers’ perceptions of risks inhibit post-adoption. Vendor trust and trialability reduce these perceived risks. While competitive pressure increases perceived benefits, it does not significantly influence PaaS post-adoption. Controversially, security and privacy, cost savings, and top management support do not influence post-adoption, as opposed to findings on company-level adoption. Subsamples constructed by the form of post-adoptive use (migration of IS, enhancement of IS, new IS development) exhibit better goodness-of-fit measures than the full sample. Future research should explore this interrelation of the form of post-adoptive use and the post-adoption influence factors.

      Keywords:Platform-as-a-Service, cloud computing, post-adoption, delivery model

  • | Effects of the use of digital technologies on the performance of firms in a developing country: are there differences between creative and manufacturing industries?
    [2022] Jean Pierre Seclen-Luna, René I. Castro Vergara, Hellen Lopez Valladares

    • Abstract: This paper aims to analyse the effects of the use of digital technologies on firms’ net sales and productivity. The technology adoption approach is applied in empirical research using data from the National Enterprise Survey in Peru. Using the OLS method on a sample of 2,970 firms from creative and manufacturing industries in Peru, the effects of digital technologies on net sales and productivity are determined. Findings indicate that there is a positive relationship. However, these relationships can be different depending on the type of digital technology, the size of the firm and the manager’s gender proportion. We found that most of these technologies are more commonly related to creative industries than manufacturing firms. These relationships have greater statistical significance to net sales in large companies within both types of industry. However, SMEs have greater statistical significance with respect to productivity in both types of industries. Lastly, given the positive effect on these relationships, we conclude by highlighting the importance of managers crafting their technology portfolio and digital capabilities properly and the need for further research to determine the performance of companies in the context of developing countries.

      Keywords:information technology, performance, productivity, manufacturing industries, creative industries, developing country

| Volume 09 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 09 No. 04
    [2021] Ricardo Martinho

  • | Risk and vulnerability management, project agility and resilience: a comparative analysis
    [2021] Khalil Rahi, Mario Bourgault, Christopher Preece

    • Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the project management literature on four concepts; risk management, vulnerability management, project agility and project resilience. The goal is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of these concepts to deal with disruptive events through the development of a conceptual framework that captures their differences and convergences. Therefore, a review of recent literature from international journals, specialized mainly in project risk management, vulnerability management, project agility, and project resilience has been conducted. A systematic literature review is adopted to compare the four key concepts of this study and to draw conclusions. A case from the information technology field is used to better illustrate the comparison. Results from this study show that risk management and vulnerability management are proactive concepts focusing on the management of known events or actions. Alternatively, project agility is a reactive concept that aims to adapt to changes, but not necessarily disruptive events. Project resilience is a mix concept – proactive and reactive – focusing on recovering from known and unknown disruptive events. In addition, this comparative analysis and the conceptual framework developed can be used to exploit future areas of research and exhibit new opportunities where project management best practices can be improved to deal with disruptive events.

      Keywords:risk management, vulnerability management, project agility, project resilience, critical analysis

  • | Project success/failure rates in Turkey
    [2021] Canser Bilir, Elif Yafez

    • Abstract: In this study, the success rate of projects in Turkey is measured, and the significant factors behind the successes and the failures of those projects are ranked. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study widely measuring the success rate of projects in Turkey. The applied methodology is adapted from the Chaos Report by Standish Group. The data for 320 projects with a total budget of approximately $640 million (around 3.6 billion Turkish lira) is collected for the analysis. The results showed that 48% of projects are completed successfully while 45% are eventually completed but either over budget, not on time, or not fully completed. The success rate of the reviewed projects is higher than the rate reported in the Chaos Report. However, the success rate of projects drops to 44% when only technology-driven projects are considered. As the project size increases, the success rate diminishes, as demonstrated in the Chaos Report. The study on the significant factors influencing the success or failure of the projects revealed that the most critical factors are the “requirement definitions”, “requirement planning” and “top management support”.

      Keywords:project success rate, critical success factors, failure factors, technology-driven projects, Turkey

  • | Implementation of Building Information Modelling in infrastructure construction projects: a study of dimensions and strategies
    [2021] Mahmoud Ershadi, Marcus Jefferies, Peter Davis, Mohammad Mojtahedi

    • Abstract: The emergence of Building Information Modelling (BIM) has revolutionized the infrastructure construction industry by introducing real-time and collaborative information management tools to be used throughout the lifecycle of projects. The importance of BIM in this industry has been emphasized in previous research. However, strategies for the implementation of this system is still less explored, which requires more elaboration and validation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate such strategies considering all necessary dimensions of the BIM system in infrastructure construction projects. The findings are based on theoretical discussion and semi-structured interviews in a case study project in New South Wales, Australia. The results revealed that BIM integrates various elements of infrastructure construction, which include but are not limited to risk, time, cost, energy, safety, and sustainability. It was found that implementation strategies should focus on improving the contribution of the BIM system to infrastructure construction in terms of improved (1) integrity and automation, (2) collaboration, and (3) optimization. Identification of seven technical and managerial implementations strategies is the core contribution of this research. These strategies provide practitioners with insight into technical and managerial measures to be taken for the successful implementation of the BIM system.

      Keywords:information systems, Building Information Modelling, BIM, BIM dimensions, construction project delivery, construction industry

  • | Information systems project management success
    [2021] João Varajão, António Trigo, José Luís Pereira, Isabel Moura

    • Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to give new insights into the success of information systems (IS) project management. Even though many studies found in the literature show results of software development projects, few studies address the success of IS (socio-technical) projects. Responses to an international survey, representing 472 projects in total, showed that IS project management is achieving high levels of success; yet, only a minority of projects end without changes in scope, time, or cost. Furthermore, results show that changes in scope, time, or cost are frequent in this kind of project and do not significantly affect the perception of success. These results provide researchers and practitioners with a better understanding of IS project management success evaluation.

      Keywords:Information Systems, Information Technology, Project, Project Management, Success, Evaluation

| Volume 09 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 09 No. 03
    [2021] João Varajão

  • | Bringing templates to life: overcoming obstacles to the organizational implementation of Agile methods
    [2021] Michael Durbin, Fred Niederman

    • Abstract: Agile software development methods have become accepted as a template for organizations to create new products. Though generally viewed as an aid to productivity, there are a number of barriers to experiencing their full benefit. One such barrier pertains to the implementation of agile methods across the range of organizational levels from the use of tools to culture, norms, and policies creating the context within which projects are performed. This essay examines in detail the experiences of one expert at integrating agile technique, approach, and philosophy into the broader organizational setting. Numerous particular lessons and prescriptions result from this discussion. Turning around the grounded theory approach where numerous individuals are interrogated mildly in regard to a particular phenomenon, the discussion surfaced in this paper results from repeated interviews with one domain expert. Lessons and comments are organized into four sections: individual team member, organization, transitioning, and tools and techniques.

      Keywords:agile methods, software development, project management, portfolio management, agile mindset, SAFe

  • | In whom do we trust? Critical success factors impacting intercultural communication in multicultural project teams
    [2021] Wenyuan Yu, Kathryn Cormican, Qiong Wu, Suzana Sampaio

    • Abstract: Trust is a significant enabler for intercultural communication in project teams. Researchers and practitioners, therefore, need to know which factors might enhance trust in intercultural communication. Contributing to the yet limited number of studies in the field of intercultural communication for multicultural project teams, this research theoretically analyzes and empirically investigates the enablers of trust for intercultural communication focusing on emotional intelligence, empathy, interaction, and transparency. Using a field sample of 117 experienced project managers working in multicultural project teams, we find that interaction and transparency significantly and positively influence trust in intercultural communication; empathy marginally and positively influences trust. Emotional intelligence does not exert an effect on it. These results provide novel theoretical and empirical insights which have practical implications for project managers. The findings direct suggestions for additional theoretical work.

      Keywords:trust, intercultural communication, project teams, emotional intelligence, empathy, transparency

  • | Measures related to social and human factors that influence productivity in software development teams
    [2021] Liliana Machuca-Villegas, Gloria Piedad Gasca-Hurtado, Mirna Muñoz

    • Abstract: Software companies need to measure their productivity. Measures are useful indicators to evaluate processes, projects, products, and people who are part of software development teams. The results of these measurements are used to make decisions, manage projects, and improve software development and project management processes. This research is based on selecting a set of measures related to social and human factors (SHF) that influence productivity in software development teams and therefore in project management. This research was performed in three steps. In the first step, there was performed a tertiary literature review aimed to identify measures related to productivity. Then, the identified measures were submitted for its evaluation to project management experts and finally, the measures selected by the experts were mapped to the SHF. A set of 13 measures was identified and defined as a key input for designing improvement strategies. The measures have been compared to SHF to evaluate the development team's performance from a more human context and to establish indicators in productivity improvement strategies of software projects. Although the number of productivity measures related to SHF is limited, it was possible to identify the measures used in both traditional and agile contexts.

      Keywords:software project management, software development productivity, productivity measures, human and social factors

  • | An attempt to understand complexity in a government digital transformation project
    [2021] Kristin H. J. Hafseld, Bassam Hussein, Antoine B. Rauzy

    • Abstract: Digital transformation projects will become one of the dominating tools for mastering digital transformation in governments. Studies show that such projects are complex undertakings and increasingly difficult to manage. The purpose of the paper is to provide a better understanding of the factors that cause complexity in government digital transformation projects. The authors use an in-depth case study approach to investigate factors of complexity in an ongoing digital transformation project. The results indicate that complexity in this project is rooted in dynamic relationships between multiple dimensions of organization, technologies, and innovation. The authors conclude that when organizational structuring, the introduction of new technology, and efforts to innovate and create added value for citizens and businesses operate in tandem, the pervasive complexity associated with delivering government digital transformation projects becomes increasingly difficult to manage.

      Keywords:digital transformation projects, government, project complexity, digital technology, case study

| Volume 09 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 09 No. 02
    [2021] João Varajão

  • | Hybrid Intelligence: to automate or not to automate, that is the question
    [2021] Wil M.P. van der Aalst

    • Abstract: There used to be a clear separation between tasks done by machines and tasks done by people. Applications of machine learning in speech recognition (e.g., Alexa and Siri), image recognition, automated translation, autonomous driving, and medical diagnosis, have blurred the classical divide between human tasks and machine tasks. Although current Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies outperform humans in many areas, tasks requiring common sense, contextual knowledge, creativity, adaptivity, and empathy are still best performed by humans. Hybrid Intelligence (HI) blends human intelligence and machine intelligence to combine the best of both worlds. Hence, current and future Business Process Management (BPM) initiatives need to consider HI and the changing boundaries between work done by people and work done by software robots. Consider, for example, the success of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which demonstrates that gradually taking away repetitive tasks from workers is possible. In this viewpoint paper, we argue that process mining is a key technology to decide what to automate and what not. Moreover, using process mining, it is possible to systematically monitor and manage processes where work is distributed over human workers and software robots.

      Keywords:Hybrid intelligence, data science, process science, machine learning, business process management

  • | An examination of the preconditions of learning to facilitate innovation in digitalization projects: a project team members’ perspective
    [2021] Bertha Joseph Ngereja, Bassam Hussein

    • Abstract: In the modern business environment spearheaded by digitalization, organizations are faced with the challenge of maintaining a competitive edge despite constant dynamic changes. Organizations therefore, have to adopt new, improved and modern ways of doing things. This can be achieved through proper knowledge management within the organization, which is an antecedent of innovation. Innovation is one of the crucial means for tackling the digitalization challenge as it enables organizations to maintain their competitive edge. Although extant studies have extensively studied learning in projects, there is a lack of concrete examples of the correlation between learning and improving innovation in the digitalization context. This article is based on a qualitative study aimed at examining the organizations’ preconditions of learning in achieving innovation in digitalization projects focusing on the perspective of the project team members. Data was collected through open-ended questionnaires with a total of 97 respondents and analyzed using NVivo qualitative software. The findings revealed two viewpoints regarding the perception of learning for innovation. The preconditions for learning for innovation in digitalization were also identified. Moreover, the immediate outcomes of learning were identified that can be utilized in assessing whether employees are actually learning given the necessary preconditions are established.

      Keywords:learning, innovation, digitalization projects, enablers, preconditions

  • | Understanding the career dynamics of IT professionals in digital transformation times: a systematic review of career anchors studies
    [2021] Catherine Cabot, Stéphane Gagnon

    • Abstract: The concept of career anchors has long been a reference model to guide Human Resources Management (HRM) practices within the information technology (IT) discipline. However, as the digital transformation phenomenon grows increasingly disruptive, the misalignment of human resources is becoming more apparent as IT professionals are faced with mixed job demands requiring multidisciplinary skillsets. Along with the lack of workforce diversity and high turnover rates, these HRM challenges are impacting career dynamics and talent management practices. A systematic literature review of 20 empirical studies reveals three broad themes: debunking the dual-ladder construct of traditionally opposing technical and management career paths, fostering a diverse workforce through a variety of demographic profiles, and understanding the response strategies of IT professionals. While career anchors proved to be a useful model, it falls short in the context of the current structural changes of professional career choices and talent requirements, which requires a more diverse and dynamic model. This finding leads to a new research agenda emphasizing the study of Business Technology Management (BTM). This new concept refers to an emerging transdisciplinary profession, uniting Project Management (PM), Information Systems (IS) and IT competencies within a common body of knowledge for leading digital transformation projects.

      Keywords:career dynamics, information technology (IT), career anchors, human resources management (HRM), business technology management (BTM)

  • | Using Theory of Change to evaluate the role of stakeholder engagement towards socially desirable outcomes in ICT research projects
    [2021] Tilimbe Jiya

    • Abstract: Information Communication Technologies (ICT) research projects are important in generating breakthrough technologies that translate into solutions for numerous societal grand challenges through research and innovation. However, to ensure that such solutions are socially desirable, there is a concerted drive for the engagement of different stakeholders, including industry, academia, public and government. In the face of the growing recognition of stakeholder engagement in ICT research projects, particularly as part of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), there is a limited discourse on how its consequence could be evaluated. This paper suggests and uses a Theory of Change approach to evaluate the value of stakeholder engagement on the attainment of socially desirable and responsible outcomes in projects, particularly ICT research projects. Using a multi-case study approach, the paper appraises the value of stakeholder engagement in ICT research projects by elucidating the linkages between stakeholder activities and socially desirable outcomes. The findings from the paper could apply to other types of projects apart from ICT research projects in understanding some of the roles stakeholders play in ensuring responsible innovation as an outcome of the projects.

      Keywords:evaluating stakeholder engagement, ICT research projects, theory of change, responsible innovation, socially desirable outcomes

| Volume 09 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 09 No. 01
    [2021] João Varajão

  • | A framework for paradoxical tensions of project management
    [2021] Juhani Iivari

    • Abstract: Research into organizations has concluded that organizational effectiveness is paradoxical, i.e., effective organizations have attributes that are simultaneously contradictory, even mutually exclusive. Although projects are temporary organizations, the paradox lens has largely been omitted in their context. This paper is an attempt to rectify the situation. It introduces a framework of eleven paradoxical tensions, concerning priority, structure, and execution of projects, wishing that it would encourage future research on paradoxical tensions of project management.

      Keywords:project management, paradox lens, ambidexterity

  • | An analysis of violations and sanctions following the GDPR
    [2021] Wanda Presthus, Kaja Felix Sønslien

    • Abstract: This paper investigates the violations and sanctions that have occurred following the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR came into effect in May 2018 with the aim of strengthening the information privacy of European Union/European Economic Area citizens. Based on existing taxonomies of (i) potential consequences of violating the GDPR (including surveillance, discrimination), (ii) an analysis of 277 sanctions, and (iii) interviews with experts, we offer a mapping of the violations and sanctions almost two years after the regulation was implemented. The most typical complaints were, in descending order: unlawful processing and disclosure of personal information, failure to act on and secure subject rights and personal information, and insufficient cooperation with supervising authorities. Our analysis also indicates an increasing number of fines over time. Regarding size, the fines range from 50,000,000 euros to (symbolic?) 90 euros. While research on GDPR violations and sanctions is somewhat scarce, our study mainly confirms existing findings: that the GDPR is complex and challenging. However, our study provides insight on some of the challenges. Our contribution is mainly practical and aimed at managers in any organization whose goal is to protect information privacy and to learn from the mistakes made by other companies. We also welcome more research on the topic.

      Keywords:privacy, General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, data management, violations, sanctions

  • | Skills of junior project management professionals and project success achieved by them
    [2021] William E. Hefley, Mário Bottion

    • Abstract: New graduates are often placed into project management roles, but may face challenges in these roles. This study surveyed managers from Brazilian organizations and gathered information on the environment, practices and results of projects where new graduates were in project management roles. In-depth interviews were executed with a subset of these managers to further collect insights into issues surrounding new graduates’ performance in project management. This paper examines the preparation and performance of new graduates in project management roles. It addresses specific project management skills and competencies that are involved in delivering successful projects and how these relate to project success or failure. The conclusions determined that new graduates are often not fully prepared for project management roles and fail to conduct comprehensive project preparations, often missing risk management; their soft skills are not fully developed creating further challenges; and the corporate environment towards project management may not lead to developing well-prepared project managers.

      Keywords:new graduates, project management, soft skill, project success, Brazil

  • | Smart Project Management Information Systems (SPMIS) for Engineering Projects – Project Performance Monitoring & Reporting
    [2021] John van Besouw, Taryn Bond-Barnard

    • Abstract: Engineering projects are becoming increasingly complex as projects get larger and as technology improves. Greater competition worldwide has meant that projects are delivered quicker and cheaper. This necessitates sophisticated Project Management Information System (PMIS) technologies to be adopted to improve efficiency and quality on projects. PMIS data and reports can be used to better understand the risk exposure, resource utilisation, profitability, and scheduling of a project. It also informs strategic project decisions and performance monitoring and reporting. Unfortunately, project data is often fragmented and embedded in different systems. This paper investigates several commercially available PMIS, to understand and compare the functionality of these systems. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted with purposively selected project systems experts at twelve project-based organisations. Thematic analysis revealed what functions PMIS fulfils, how these systems are integrated and how they facilitate project monitoring and reporting. Moreover, a novel model for the basic architecture of a ‘Smart’ Project Management Information System (SPMIS) is proposed, which would facilitate software integration and intelligence based on identified industry needs and requirements. The model addresses the shortcomings of existing models by combining models and incorporating system intelligence i.e. the automation of certain project management activities.

      Keywords:Project Management Information System, technology, project performance, monitoring; reporting, Smart Project Management Information System, PMIS

| Volume 08 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 08 No. 04
    [2020] João Varajão

  • | Social media in project management: A systematic narrative literature review
    [2020] Arash Daemi, Ritesh Chugh, Muralitheran V Kanagarajoo

    • Abstract: Despite the adoption of social media in many business operations, evidence suggests that the usage of social media for project management activities is scarce. Through this literature review, the paper seeks to clarify the scope of the available knowledge, highlight the significance of new research agendas and address the principal reason for the limited use of social media in project management. A literature review was conducted to analyze the benefits of using social media in project management along with the areas in which it is used, the threats, barriers and enablers of social media adoption. Key areas where social media is used in project management include requirements management, communication management, policymaking, knowledge management and collaboration. Social media usage has shown to improve information sharing, engagement and relationships. Threats include a negative impact on reputation, employee productivity and information privacy. The reviewed literature highlights that the lack of a social media adoption strategy is the principal reason for the limited use of social media in project management. This study contributes to both the project management practice and literature by introducing a model for social media adoption in project management.

      Keywords:project management, social media, social media benefits, social media enablers, social media threats, social media adoption model

  • | Applying the positioning phase of the digital transformation model in practice for SMEs: toward systematic development of digitalization
    [2020] Jukka Kääriäinen, Pasi Pussinen, Leila Saari, Olli Kuusisto

    • Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) refers to the changes in ways of working and business offering caused by adoption of digital technologies in an organization. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are struggling with this transformation because of their limited resources and know-how. Thus, SMEs need practical grassroots-level help for DT that allows the companies to analyze where they stand in digitalization, and how they should proceed. This article discusses how SMEs can be supported in their DT by utilizing the DT model consisting of four consecutive phases for supporting companies’ systematic development of digitalization. The article focuses on the first phase of the DT model, positioning, where company’s digitalization status is analyzed in detail, and development ideas are identified. The positioning phase was conducted for 19 SMEs in Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. The results indicate that the used process and tools were suitable to support SMEs for analyzing their digitalization status and identifying areas for improvement. The DT model and piloted tools have been published as a free-of-charge online service to facilitate their widespread use in the future. In this way, public regional business development authors or research organizations can utilize the online service while supporting the digitalization of SMEs.

      Keywords:digitalization, digital transformation, SME, positioning phase, digital maturity, digital transformation model

  • | Continual learning with a Bayesian approach for evolving the baselines of a leagile project portfolio
    [2020] Sagar Chhetri, Dongping Du

    • Abstract: This article introduces a Bayesian learning approach for planning continuously evolving leagile project and portfolio baselines. Unlike the traditional project management approach, which uses static project baselines, the approach proposed in this study suggests learning from immediately prior experience to establish an evolving baseline for performance estimation. The principle of Pasteur’s quadrant is used to realize a highly practical solution, which extends the existing wisdom on leagile continuous planning. This study compares the accuracy of the proposed Bayesian approach with the traditional approach using real data. The results suggest that the evolving Bayesian baselines can generate a more realistic measure of performance than traditional baselines, enabling leagile projects and portfolios to be better managed in the continuously changing environments of today.

      Keywords:leagile project portfolio, evolving Bayesian baselines, continuous planning/learning, performance measurement, decision making

  • | Expecting the unexpected during ERP implementations: a complexity view
    [2020] Guy Janssens, Rob Kusters, Harry Martin

    • Abstract: Implementing an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a complex, risky, time-consuming, and very expensive affair. Unfortunately, ERP implementations are often still over budget and time, and below expectations. Ticking off critical success factors (CSFs) and risks is supposed to take care of all intricacies during an implementation. However, complexity theory suggests no perfect foresighted knowledge can exist and one should always be prepared for new and unexpected events happening (“unknown unknowns”). Currently, ERP research does not explicitly address this unexpected behavioral aspect of complexity. Therefore, it seems relevant to explore whether this unexpected complexity aspect of ERP implementations can be observed in actual ERP implementations. We demonstrate through an in-depth and structured case analysis that a normal, well-planned, and managed ERP project shows indeed unexpected behavior. That is to say, totally unforeseen major problems appear. From our observations, it is evident that ERP implementations can show significant unexpected behavior despite the best of knowledge, proper preparation, and project management practice. It seems relevant to perform more research into the relevance of appropriate control mechanisms based on acceptance of the inherent complex, i.e. unpredictable nature of ERP implementations. This awareness should complement existing mechanisms as CSFs and risks.

      Keywords:ERP, ERP implementation, ERP implementation complexity, ERP case research, complexity

| Volume 08 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 08 No. 03
    [2020] João Varajão

  • | MIDST: an enhanced development environment that improves the maintainability of a data science analysis
    [2020] Jeffrey S. Saltz, Kevin Crowston, Robert Heckman, Yatish Hegde

    • Abstract: With the increasing ability to generate actionable insight from data, the field of data science has seen significant growth. As more teams develop data science solutions, the analytical code they develop will need to be enhanced in the future, by an existing or a new team member. Thus, the importance of being able to easily maintain and enhance the code required for an analysis will increase. However, to date, there has been minimal research on the maintainability of an analysis done by a data science team. To help address this gap, data science maintainability was explored by (1) creating a data science maintainability model, (2) creating a new tool, called MIDST (Modular Interactive Data Science Tool), that aims to improve data science maintainability, and then (3) conducting a mixed method experiment to evaluate MIDST. The new tool aims to improve the ability of a team member to update and rerun an existing data science analysis by providing a visual data flow view of the analysis within an integrated code and computational environment. Via an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative survey results, the experiment found that MIDST does help improve the maintainability of an analysis. Thus, this research demonstrates the importance of enhanced tools to help improve the maintainability of data science projects.

      Keywords:project management, data science, maintainability, visual programming, data science development environment

  • | How IT Governance can assist IoT project implementation
    [2020] David Henriques, Ruben Pereira, Isaías S. Bianchi, Rafael Almeida

    • Abstract:

      Internet of things (IoT) is considered a key technology for the Industry 4.0 revolution. Information Technology (IT) governance (ITG) is now an increasingly important tool for organizations to align their IT strategy and infrastructures with the organizations’ business objectives. The most adopted ITG framework is COBIT, which defines seven enabler categories. These enablers aim to facilitate the implementation, identification, and management of IT. This research aims to determine, explore, and define which are the most suitable IT governance enablers to assist managers in IoT implementation. The study adopted the Design Science Research methodology, including two systematic literature reviews and a Delphi method to build the artefact. The artefact was demonstrated and evaluated in a real organization. The results indicate that data privacy, data protection, and data analysis are currently the most relevant enablers to consider in an IoT implementation because they increase the efficiency of the solution and enhance data credibility.

      Keywords:IT governance, IoT, enablers, COBIT, Design Science Research, Delphi method

  • | Fused or Unfused? The Parable of ERP II
    [2020] Moutaz Haddara, Angelo Constantini

    • Abstract: One of the major visions is having one system that covers all business functions and satisfies virtually all the standard processes and routine transactions within organizations. In the last decade, several academics and practitioners have predicted the rise of what is called enterprise resource planning systems II (ERP II). ERP II was sought to be a digital platform that is capable of supporting timely decision-making through covering all business functions’ processes through having preloaded modules that will minimize the need for external systems like separate customer relationship management (CRM), e-business platforms, and supply chain management (SCM) systems, among others. While ERP systems nowadays have matured, and several packages come with CRM modules and other solutions, however separate CRM systems are still widely adopted by organizations. Thus, this study investigates why organizations that currently have ERPs with CRM modules are still investing in separate CRM systems. Our results show that the current ERP systems did not reach the ERP II state as envisioned, as most organizations are inclined to adopt separate CRM systems. Thus, we have presented five main reasons for this inclination, which are: scoping during ERP implementations, costs, features and functionalities, user-friendliness and ease of use, and finally integration with e-business platforms.

      Keywords:ERP systems, CRM systems, ERP II, ERP selection, ES integration

  • | Project portfolio risk management: a structured literature review with future directions for research
    [2020] Camilo Micán, Gabriela Fernandes, Madalena Araújo

    • Abstract: Project Portfolio Risk Management (PPRM) has been identified as a relevant area regarding project portfolio success. This paper reports on a structured literature review of PPRM. A structured search and selection process was carried out and conventional content analysis was conducted in the literature analysis of 62 papers published in international journals. PPRM has its theoretical and practical bases in the modern theory of portfolios, decision theory and risk management (RM). The content analysis reveals four main recurrent topics in PPRM: (1) The influence of RM on project portfolio success, based on project portfolio impact level, moderators or contingency factors between RM and project portfolio success, and PPRM dimensions; (2) risk and project interdependencies, highlighting resources, technology, outcome, value, and accomplishment project interdependencies; (3) project portfolio risk (PPR) identification, where four main risk source categories are identified; and (4) PPR assessment, composed of risk measures and the main methods used for risk assessment. Therefore, this study provides an overview of PPRM as a research field, while it also promotes four future research directions: (1) PPRM as part of organizational RM; (2) RM, success dimensions and strategic impact; (3) mechanisms for PPR assessment, and (4) PPRM as a complex and dynamic system.

      Keywords:project portfolio management, project portfolio risk management, portfolio success, structured literature review, research opportunities

| Volume 08 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 8 No. 2
    [2020] João Varajão

  • | Definitions, characteristics and measures of IT Project Complexity - a systematic literature review
    [2020] Stefan Morcov, Liliane Pintelon, Rob Kusters

    • Abstract: As the world of Information Technology (IT) engineering becomes more complex every day, the formal study of project complexity becomes more and more important for managing projects effectively, to avoid poor performance and failure. Complexity is not yet clearly understood nor sufficiently defined and the terminology itself is being overloaded and over-used. This paper is a systematic literature review that attempts to identify and classify proposed definitions and measures of IT project complexity. The results include a map of the identified approaches and definitions, a list of classifications of project complexity, a set of proposed measurement tools and complexity measures available to practitioners. The paper contributes to establishing a common language when discussing complexity, as well as to a better understanding of project complexity and its implications to practical IT engineering projects.

      Keywords:project management, information technology, complex projects, uncertainty, structural complexity

  • | The impact of family-external business succession on digitalization: exploring management buy-ins
    [2020] Alexander Pöschl, Jörg Freiling

    • Abstract: Digitalization in small- and medium-sized (SME) family firms and processes of family-external business succession within these firms are under-researched areas. As SME and their future viability are important for many economies around the world, we aim to study the effects of succession processes on those companies’ digitalization activities. Utilizing a unique data set comprising of around 340 pages of transcribed interviews within a multiple case study involving four family firms in the DACH region of Europe, we perform exploratory research of this matter. Our findings indicate that incumbent and new owner-managers focus on efficiency-related digitalization activities during succession processes. More long-term issues such as changes to business models or the exploitation of external opportunities through digitalization are underrated and postponed. Our findings contribute to both digitalization and family firm literature and we provide suggestions for future research in this regard.

      Keywords:family business succession, digitalization, digital transformation, entrepreneurship theory, management buy-in

  • | IT projects success factors: a literature review
    [2020] Carmen Iriarte, Sussy Bayona

    • Abstract: Information Technology (IT) projects are enablers of organizational transformation and business growth. Despite the contribution of methodologies and frameworks for project management, the ratio of failed IT projects remains high; then, studying critical success factors of IT projects persist as an essential issue for researches and practitioners. This paper presents a systematic literature review focused on compiling and synthesizing project success factors in IT projects. The literature search was conducted using primary journal articles until 2017. All studies agree on the relevance of studying the critical success factors in IT projects given their particular characteristics. The results indicate there is no clear definition of project success concept; our review consolidates the IT success criteria into time, budget, project management, system quality, user satisfaction, and economic value. Also, there a vast and overlapped list of factors; so, this research proposes a structure that synthesizes the most referenced critical factors that have in common soft attributes as involvement, support, communication, and commitment. Findings reinforce the relevance of soft skills in IT project teams.

      Keywords:project success, IT project, systematic review, success factors

  • | Data mining approach to internal fraud in a project-based organization
    [2020] Mirjana Pejic-Bach, Ksenija Dumičić, Berislav Žmuk, Tamara Ćurlin

    • Abstract:

      Data mining is an efficient methodology for uncovering and extracting information from large databases, which is widely used in different areas, e.g., customer relation management, financial fraud detection, healthcare management, and manufacturing. Data mining has been successfully used in various fraud detection and prevention areas, such as credit card fraud, taxation fraud, and fund transfer fraud. However, there are insufficient researches about the usage of data mining for fraud related to internal control. In order to increase awareness of data mining usefulness in internal control, we developed a case study in a project-based organization. We analyze the dataset about working-hour claims for projects, using two data mining techniques: chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) decision tree and link analysis, in order to describe characteristics of fraudulent working-hour claims and to develop a model for automatic detection of potentially fraudulent ones. Results indicate that the following characteristics of the suspected working-hours claim were the most significant: sector of the customer, origin and level of expertise of the consultant, and cost of the consulting services. Our research contributes to the area of internal control supported by data mining, with the goal to prevent fraudulent working-hour claims in project-based organizations.

      Keywords:project-based organization, internal control, fraud, data mining, CHAID, association and link analysis

| Volume 08 | Number 1

  • | Moving enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to the cloud: the challenge of infrastructural embeddedness
    [2020] Eli Hustad, Vegard Sørheller, Emeli Jørgensen, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou

    • Abstract: Cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions allow organizations to support and coordinate key business processes by leveraging virtualization. Nevertheless, moving ERPs to the cloud is not straightforward, and organizational cloud ERP initiatives raise multiple concerns. We conducted an in-depth systematic review of relevant research literature and identified six key concerns related to cloud ERP implementation: a) the introduction of new ERP work arrangements, launch b) the migration of legacy data, c) the assurance of compliance with extant rules and regulations for security, d) the continuous alignment between ERP functionality and business processes, e) the ongoing integration between ERPs and the rest of the organization’s application portfolio, and f) the establishment of adequate reliability levels. The identified concerns are associated with both transition management and operations supported by cloud ERPs. All the identified concerns are also related to the need to achieve infrastructural embeddedness. This need sets ERPs apart from other types of cloud-based applications, such as office automation solutions that do not have as many dependencies and exchanges with other systems and repositories within an organization’s information infrastructure. We argue that the challenge of embeddedness has different implications for organizations of different sizes, and we call for further empirical research.

      Keywords:cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, organizational size, information infrastructure, embeddedness, transition management

  • | The pivotal factors of IT projects' success – Insights for the case of organizations from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
    [2020] Muamer Bezdrob, Sabina Brkić, Manfred Gram

    • Abstract: This research aims to investigate the circumstances and possible reasons for a very high and rather unexpected success rate of IT projects implemented in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For that purpose, the existing literature was reviewed thoroughly, and an appropriate research design was formulated. In order to answer the research questions posed, a questionnaire was developed and sent to 400 companies in the F BiH that meet the defined business profile, yielding 62 valid responses. For the purpose of data analysis, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was employed. The obtained results show that keeping the project size small significantly increases the odds for achieving IT project success, regardless of the organizational maturity level in project management. In addition, the higher the organizational maturity level in project management the higher IT projects success ratio. Results also revealed that the differences between IT projects’ success ratio of different groups of organizations are primarily induced by the time and costs project constraints, but not with project scope.

      Keywords:project management, IT projects; PM success rate, PM success factors, The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • | The documentation of design decisions in engineering projects: A study in infrastructure development
    [2020] Tara Kinneging, Robin de Graaf, Sander Siebelink, Tim van Dijck

    • Abstract: In most design projects, the documentation of design decisions is considered important. Among others, documentation of design decisions contributes to the traceability of decisions that shape a project’s development process, helps deal with changes in the project and prevents the recurrence of old discussions. Yet, little attention is given to documenting design decisions in civil engineering literature. In this study, a theoretical framework for the key elements of this documentation process was developed. Four road infrastructure projects were studied and compared to this framework by means of pattern matching. This method compares theoretical and empirical patterns and determines whether they match or do not match. The findings demonstrate that accessibility of documentation for all involved project parties and division of documentation tasks are in accordance with literature. However, the documentation of design decisions and their rationale is not done as completely as is recommended in theory. Literature states that the documentation of interrelations and context of decisions should be described thoroughly, but that is barely done in practice. In addition, the findings show that neither immediate documentation, nor periodical monitoring of documentation is applied. Based on these findings, this research proposes a strategy for improving the documentation of design decisions.

      Keywords:design decision, civil engineering, documentation strategy, infrastructure, project management, information systems

  • | W4RM: A prescriptive framework based on a wiki to support collaborative risk management in information technology projects
    [2020] Rogério Soares, Marcirio Chaves, Cristiane Pedron

    • Abstract: Despite the positive influence of risk management in Information Technology (IT) project results, many project managers are not managing risks or are managing them partially. To enhance risk management, collaborative project management has gained attention in recent years with the introduction of Web 2.0 tools. Project managers have used such tools to facilitate open communication and distribution of activities. This research introduces a prescriptive framework (W4RM – Wiki for Risk Management) based on a wiki to support collaborative risk management in IT projects. An exploratory focus group was set up and a series of interviews with practitioners was conducted to explore how a wiki can support risk management in IT projects. Findings show that project managers are facing difficulties managing risks and are the only ones responsible for identifying, registering and monitoring risks. By implementing a collaborative tool, managers can disseminate a collaboration culture and participate in risk management processes. This sense of collaboration may be used to keep the community identifying new risks, relating these risks to one or more projects, and facilitating continuous risk management. Practitioners can also adopt W4RM as a tool to support communication regarding risks status to be established for internal team stakeholders.

      Keywords:project management, project risk management, information technology, web 2.0, wiki

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 8 No. 1
    [2020] João Varajão

| Volume 07 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 7 No. 4
    [2019] Sam Takavarasha Jr, Carl Adams, Liezel Cilliers

  • | An interpretive study on the role of top managers in enterprise resource planning (ERP) business value creation
    [2019] José Fernando López-Muñoz, Alejandro Escribá-Esteve

    • Abstract: This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on enterprise resource planning (ERP) business value by investigating organizational ERP development in view of the active involvement, vision, and direction of top management teams (TMTs). A top-down approach to ERP adoption and implementation was adopted with socio-material and social construction assumptions about the mechanisms that generate ERP business value. A single ERP case study was analyzed in an industrial setting by interpretive means, thus providing theoretically based, detailed and interesting insights. Our research suggests that ERP benefits emerge during the TMT’s encounters with the ERP system through pragmatic action and situated improvisations. Our findings suggest that ERP adoption is strongly influenced by TMT characteristics and social processes, while complementary process-change needs are perceived by the executive participation during implementation. We also suggest that when the ERP system goes live, a synergistic relationship termed TMT-IT imbrication will create the technological infrastructure perceived as ERP value. At this post-implementation stage, various TMT characteristics and processes are proposed that greatly influence top managers’ patterns of imbrication behavior. Several propositions are developed and summarized in a framework to enhance the current understanding of managerial agency in achieving business benefits from ERP systems. The paper concludes with implications for top managers and future research directions.

      Keywords:ERP, managerial agency, affordances, imbrication, interpretive, case study

  • | An empirical analysis on the effects of investment assessment methods on IS/IT project success
    [2019] Meltem Özturan, Furkan Gürsoy, Burç Çeken

    • Abstract: As organizations’ investments on information systems/information technology (IS/IT) increase, the assessment methods used during IS/IT investment decision-making process holds more and more importance. Since successful IS/IT projects are key to the sustainability of an organization, identifying the factors which have effects on project success carries useful insights. In this study, 18 assessment methods are identified based on the literature. A novel classification method is proposed and assessment methods are classified into financial, strategic, and organizational categories. A novel rule-based method for determining the size of IS/IT projects is also proposed. Detailed information on project characteristics, employed IS/IT assessment methods, and project success is collected for 110 real-world IS/IT projects. The collected data is utilized in ANOVA and Regression tests to examine the factors which affect project success. Use of organization-related assessment methods, which is proposed in this study, is found to increase the success rate of the projects. Obligation towards the project and use of multi-criteria methodology have significant relationships with project success whereas project size, use of gut feeling during evaluation, and employed system development methodology do not have statistically significant impacts on project success.

      Keywords:IS/IT investments, assessment methodologies, project success, success criteria, project size

  • | Towards design of citizen centric e-government projects in developing country context: the design-reality gap in Uganda
    [2019] Stephen Kyakulumbye, Shaun Pather, Mmaki Jantjies

    • Abstract: E-government projects should be at the heart of service delivery in developing countries if the lives of citizens, especially the socially and economically marginalized, are to be improved. However, quite often in developing country contexts, citizens have been treated as recipients of technology projects through a top-down approach from central governments. Such a paradigm of implementation usually results in the non-use of the deployed technologies and their associated e-services. A consequence of non-use of e-services results in a wastage of the public fiscus. The extant literature points to a number of underlying causes of the problem. One such problem which has been highlighted is called the “Design-Reality gap”. This paper investigates the nature of the gap. It presents findings from policy analysis and in-depth face-to-face interviews with e-government policy makers and implementers. In addition, it reports on findings from focus group discussions with potential e-government users in a health sector setting. The results which are based on a participatory action research methodology reveal that there exists a glaring design-reality gap between e-government policy planners and citizens’ aspirations. We argue that co-creation could be a feasible approach for the design of e-government application services towards efforts to bridge the design-reality gap.

      Keywords:project participatory design, e-government, design-reality gap, co-creation, marginalized citizens

  • | Megaproject complexity attributes and competences: lessons from IT and construction projects
    [2019] Maxwell Nyarirangwe, Oluwayomi. K. Babatunde

    • Abstract: Megaprojects have been associated with persistent underperformance technically, financially, socially and environmentally. This underperformance has been attributed to the inherent complexity attributes and the gaps in the form of the mismatch in the project management competences and processes used by the project management teams to deal with the complexity attributes. This study seeks to investigate the performance implications of these complexity attributes to recommend suitable management competences for the successful delivery of megaprojects. This conceptual study used an integrative literature review to analyze and synthesize findings from existing scientific articles related to the complexity constructs based on a comparative assessment of Information Technology (IT) and construction megaprojects. The Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Theory was also used to highlight some of the factors that influence megaproject performance towards identifying suitable management processes and competences, which are required to deal with megaprojects complexity. The key findings include a nomenclature of the main complexity attributes, their implications on the performance of IT and construction megaprojects, and, lastly, the management competences and processes that are required to deal with the complexity attributes for improved megaproject performance. The main limitation of this study is the inability to link the management competences and processes to specific complexity attributes. This is addressed in a broader research program for a future follow-up study.

      Keywords:competences, complex adaptive systems, complexity attributes, megaprojects, management processes

| Volume 07 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 7 No. 3
    [2019] João Varajão

  • | Go for it: Where IS researchers aren’t researching
    [2019] Carol Saunders, Anne-F. Rutkowski

    • Abstract: This viewpoint article describes two research topics under-researched by Information Systems (IS) researchers: Robotics and IT addiction. These topics offer great potential for IS researchers in terms of business and societal impacts and it would behoove IS researchers to study them more fully. The aspects of the research topics that are related to IS are discussed and potential research areas and questions are suggested.

      Keywords:robotic technology, robots, IT addiction, dark side of IT, research areas

  • | Consumer perspectives on information privacy following the implementation of the GDPR
    [2019] Wanda Presthus, Hanne Sørum

    • Abstract: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented in the European Union and European Economic Area in May 2018. The GDPR aims to strengthen consumers’ rights to data privacy in the wake of technological developments like big data and artificial intelligence. This was a hot topic for stakeholders, such as lawyers, companies and consumers, prior to the GDPR’s implementation. This paper investigates to what extent consumers are concerned about information privacy issues following the implementation of the GDPR. We present findings from an online survey conducted during spring 2019 among 327 Norwegian consumers, as well as findings from a survey conducted immediately prior to the implementation of the GDPR in spring 2018. We draw the following conclusions: (1) consumers gained significant knowledge about their information privacy from the GDPR, but felt relatively little need to execute their enhanced rights; (2) about 50% of respondents believed themselves to have control over their data, while almost 40% stated that they had no control about their personal data; and (3) consumers largely trusted companies to manage their personal data. These insights are of interest to both academia and to industries that deal with personal data.

      Keywords:information privacy, General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, consumers, online survey

  • | A comparison of project control standards based on network analysis
    [2019] Nathalie Perrier, Salah-Eddine Benbrahim, Robert Pellerin

    • Abstract: Project control is a crucial function in project management. Over the years, several best practice standards have been developed to assist project managers in improving project control. The objective of this paper is to compare three prominent best practice models of PMBOK, PRINCE2, and the AACE framework with respect to the core processes of project control. Network analysis is used to achieve this objective. The results show that influential and linkage processes, such as Control quality, Review the stage status, Forecasting, and Change management have the most significant impacts on the complexity of the project control function. This work has the potential to help rethink the project control function by creating a more global view of the most central and critical processes for project control, from which enhancement in the ability to control the project can be drawn.

      Keywords:project management, project control, PMBOK, PRINCE2, AACE, network analysis

  • | Business process models and entity life cycles
    [2019] Giorgio Bruno

    • Abstract: Tasks and business entities are the major constituents of business processes but they are not always considered equally important. The activity-centric approach and the artifact-oriented one have radically different visions. The former focuses on the control flow, i.e., on the representation of the precedence constraints between tasks, and considers the dataflow an add-on. The latter emphasizes the states of the business entities and defines the transitions between states in a declarative way that makes it difficult to figure out what the control flow is. This paper presents the ELBA notation whose purpose is to integrate those different visions by leveraging the dataflow. The dataflow defines the input and output entities of the tasks in process models. Entities flowing through tasks change their states and then a process model results from the combination of the life cycles of the entities managed by the process. Process models are complemented by information models that show the attributes and relationships of the entity types handled by the processes. Life cycles are intertwined in process models but they can be separated by means of an extraction technique that is illustrated in this paper with the help of two examples.

      Keywords:business processes, control flow, dataflow, artifact, entity life cycle

| Volume 07 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 7 No. 2
    [2019] João Varajão

  • | Governance, governmentality and project performance: the role of sovereignty
    [2019] Ralf Müller

    • Abstract: Considerable confusion prevails in the mutual positioning and relationship of concepts like management, leadership, governance and governmentality in projects. This article first develops a framework to distinguish these terms conceptually by use of Archer’s structure and human agency philosophy. This provides for clearer conceptualization and lesser redundancy in the use of terms. Then the interaction between governance and governmentality in the context of projects is assessed, using a contingency theory perspective. This addresses long-standing questions about the nature of the impact of governance and governmentality on each other and on project and organizational performance. The results show that higher levels of project sovereignty (as a measure of governance), are associated with lower levels of authoritarian, but higher levels of neo-liberal governmentality, as well as higher levels of project and organizational performance. The article continues with a discussion of the theoretical implications from different perspectives of causality, which provides for different approaches to improve project performance through deliberate fine-tuning of governance and governmentality.

      Keywords:project governance, governmentality, project performance, organizational performance, sovereignty

  • | Performance measurement of complex project: framework and means supporting management of project-based organizations
    [2019] Eryk Głodziński

    • Abstract: Performance management and measurement enable to improve strategy implementation and increase organizational competitiveness. The literature review and desk research confirm that the design of a performance system is an issue because of the redefinition of project environment conditions and complexity of 4P. The system should be continuously developed during exploitation. Main objectives of the paper are to propose a framework of project performance measurement and a set of measures that could be applied in project-based organizations. The assessment proposal is the result of a literature review and qualitative empirical studies, interviews, and participatory observations. The framework considers performance assessment of the project and its context, including benefits occurring outside the project – on the program, project portfolio, and project-based organization levels – but being the result of project execution. The framework incorporates in project performance assessment the simultaneous and supplementary utilization of quantitative and qualitative measures, financial and non-financial measures that describe various fields of evaluation: finance, production, procurement, product quality, social, marketing of a product, legal, natural environment, client, and other stakeholders’ satisfaction.

      Keywords:project, performance, measurement, framework, project-based organization, 4P

  • | Evaluation of the usability of a new ITG instrument to measure hard and soft governance maturity
    [2019] Daniel Smits, Jos van Hillegersberg

    • Abstract: IT governance (ITG) has stayed a challenging matter for years. Research suggests the existence of a gap between theoretical frameworks and practice. Although current ITG research is largely focused on hard governance (structure, processes), soft governance (behavior, collaboration) is equally important and might be crucial to close the gap. The goal of this study is to evaluate the usability of a new ITG maturity instrument that covers hard and soft ITG in detail. We conducted ten case studies and evaluated the instrument positively on usability; but feedback also revealed that the assessment questions needed improvements. We demonstrate that combining the instrument with structured interviews results in an enhanced and usable instrument to determine an organization’s current level of hard and soft ITG. We conclude that this new instrument demonstrates a way to reduce the mismatch between ITG maturity theory and practice.

      Keywords:it governance, it governance maturity, soft governance, hard governance, design science

  • | Using a coach to improve team performance when the team uses a Kanban process methodology
    [2019] Ivan Shamshurin, Jeffrey S. Saltz

    • Abstract: Teams are increasing their use of the Kanban process methodology across a range of information system projects, including software development and data science projects. While the use of Kanban is growing, little has been done to explore how to improve team performance for teams that use Kanban. One possibility is to introduce a Kanban Coach (KC). This work reports on exploring the use of a Kanban Coach, with respect to both how the coach could interact with the team as well as how the use of a coach impacts team results. Specifically, this paper reports on an experiment where teams either had, or did not have, a Kanban Coach. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data collected during the experiment found that introducing KC led to significant improvement of team performance. Coordination Theory and Shared Mental Models were then employed to provide an explanation as to why a KC leads to better project results. While this experiment was done within a data science project context, the results are likely applicable across a range of information system projects.

      Keywords:project management, process methodology, agile, team performance, Kanban, Kanban process methodology

| Volume 07 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 7 No. 1
    [2019] João Varajão

  • | Research and practice in IS: insights from medicine that might contribute to overcome the relevance deficit in the IS domain
    [2019] João Álvaro Carvalho

    • Abstract: During the ICIS 2018 conference, in San Francisco, two interesting panels addressed themes related to the recurrent debate within the IS domain about the relevance of IS research. One panel - Seeking Public Intellectuals in the Information Systems Discipline: Towards an Impact and Engagement Agenda – discussed the influence (or lack of) of the IS research community on public policies and on public opinion in what concerns problems that affect the society. The other panel – the Senior Scholar Panel – focused on the relationship between IS research and IS professional practice. The perception, by IS academics, that IS research is of little relevance for IS practitioners was addressed once more. These are two different dimensions of the relevance of IS research. But both dimensions are important to a pivotal domain in the modern society that creates scholarly knowledge crucial to understanding, influencing and leading the transformations the society is undergoing. Those dimensions are also critical if IS seeks to become a “vibrant, socially relevant and influential” domain as mentioned by Hassam and Mathiassen in their 2018’s article [1]. This article focus on the relationship between IS research and IS professional practice. I share the view of those that consider that the IS domain encompasses both, an academic facet and a practical facet. The two facets are interdependent and demand forms of collaboration between academics and practitioners that are only perceptible within an overarching view of scientific knowledge and of its production and use. This article aims at proposing such view. A main feature of the proposed view is that it involves distinguishing among different types of scientific knowledge and different modes of doing research. In particular, it involves emphasizing a form of research that is overlooked in IS – clinical research. Insights from the medicine domain are used to illustrate the place of clinical research and its role in connecting researchers and practitioners.

      Keywords:research, practice, medicine, relevance

  • | Causing factors, outcomes, and governance of Shadow IT and business-managed IT: a systematic literature review
    [2019] Stefan Klotz, Andreas Kopper, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer

    • Abstract: Shadow IT and Business-managed IT describe the autonomous deployment/procurement or management of Information Technology (IT) instances, i.e., software, hardware, or IT services, by business entities. For Shadow IT, this happens covertly, i.e., without alignment with the IT organization; for Business-managed IT this happens overtly, i.e., in alignment with the IT organization or in a split responsibility model. We conduct a systematic literature review and structure the identified research themes in a framework of causing factors, outcomes, and governance. As causing factors, we identify enablers, motivators, and missing barriers. Outcomes can be benefits as well as risks/shortcomings of Shadow IT and Business-managed IT. Concerning governance, we distinguish two subcategories: general governance for Shadow IT and Business-managed IT and instance governance for overt Business-managed IT. Thus, a specific set of governance approaches exists for Business-managed IT that cannot be applied to Shadow IT due to its covert nature. Hence, we extend the existing conceptual understanding and allocate research themes to Shadow IT, Business-managed IT, or both concepts and particularly distinguish the governance of the two concepts. Besides, we find that governance themes have been the primary research focus since 2016, whereas older publications (until 2015) focused on causing factors.

      Keywords:Shadow IT, Business-managed IT, IT governance, literature review, causes, outcomes

  • | Improving and embedding project management practice: generic or context dependent?
    [2019] Gabriela Fernandes, Madalena Araújo

    • Abstract: Taking into account the contingency theory, this paper explores the extent to which key project management improvement initiatives and key embedding factors, identified in a previously developed conceptual framework, are dependent on organizational context, namely sector of activity, organization size, geographic area and project types. Therefore, aiming to guide professionals on making use of such framework in their organizations. Statistically significant contextual correlations were looked for in a worldwide sample of 793 questionnaire responses from project management professionals, using Principal Component Analysis, ANOVA test and post-hoc Tukey test. Context related differences found were limited, suggesting that the framework for improving and embedding project management practice is substantially generic. Therefore, the paper shows the explanatory power of the framework, which can be used by any organization independent of its sector of activity, dimension, geographic area and project types, however indicating the existence of slight differences. For example, Information Technology companies might give more relevance to initiatives such as corporate standardization and tailoring of project management processes tools and techniques than Engineering and Construction companies.

      Keywords:improving initiatives, embedding factors, project management practice, organizational dependency

  • | Project resilience: a conceptual framework
    [2019] Khalil Rahi

    • Abstract: Resilience is a novel but promising concept in project management studies. Resilience thinking can help projects maintain their performance through flexible, systemic and context-specific approaches once faced with disruptive events. That said, the main goal of this paper is to advance an interdisciplinary understanding of project resilience by proposing a definition and a conceptual framework of this concept. To achieve this article's objectives the literature on project risk management is first reviewed to identify current research effort and limitations of dealing with disruptions. Consecutively, the concept of resilience in its broader applicability is explored where two dimensions are sieved; awareness and adaptive capacity. The literature on the new concept of project resilience is also scrutinized where its novel nature, the lack of scientific studies to conceptualize it, and its significance to project management are demonstrated. These facts helped propose a definition and a conceptual framework of project resilience, where a set of relationships are instigated, which constitute a base line to perform further disquisitions to assess their validity. Implications for future contributions advocate conceptual exchanges with more advanced research fields (e.g. organizational resilience). These exchanges can assist in the development of indicators to evaluate the ability of projects to deal with disruptive events and enhance their resilience.

      Keywords:project risk management, resilience, project resilience, awareness, adaptive capacity, recovery

| Volume 06 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 6 No. 4
    [2018] Dulce Domingos

  • | The many facets of information systems (+projects) success
    [2018] João Varajão

    • Abstract: It is well accepted that Information Systems (IS) are critical for the competitiveness of virtually any human organization. However, IS need constant attention to fulfill their role and to keep pace with the changes of organizations. Therefore, the success of IS projects is crucial for the success of IS and, consequently, for the success of the organizations themselves since they are closely related. Given the complex nature of the participating objects and related concepts (people, information, processes, and technology), the perspectives of success and its influencing factors can be of high complexity. This complexity comes from various aspects that need to be recognized, considered and evaluated, as well as from the multiple interactions that occur between them. This article aims to contribute with new insights and a new way of addressing the success of projects and IS, by identifying and describing various important facets of success.

      Keywords:project success, project management success, deliverables success, operations success, information systems success

  • | Adding experts’ perceptions to complement existing research on information systems backsourcing
    [2018] Benedikt von Bary, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer

    • Abstract: This paper extends the existing literature on information systems (IS) backsourcing by the perception of practitioners. For this purpose, we conducted a series of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with IS sourcing experts. The interview questions focused on the participants’ perceptions and experiences with the topic, on identifying reasons for and against IS backsourcing, and on revealing relevant trends pertinent to IS backsourcing. We then compared those findings with two previously conducted comprehensive literature reviews on academic and practitioner literature on IS backsourcing. By following this approach, we contribute to the existing research by verifying previous findings, for example, the most important reasons why companies decide in favor of IS backsourcing. Additionally, we were able to enhance previous contributions as we highlight the significance of differentiating between the scope of IS backsourcing by looking at the underlying services which are potentially backsourced. Further, we identified the importance of managers’ personal preferences as an additional reason for IS backsourcing, for example, based on personal experiences or a perceived need for change. Based on our findings, we created a comprehensive overview of all aspects connected to the IS backsourcing process and derived opportunities for further research to contribute to the IS backsourcing research agenda.

      Keywords:backsourcing, insourcing, back in-house, information systems, expert interviews, academic literature

  • | Project portfolio risk categorisation – factor analysis results
    [2018] Mariusz Hofman, Grzegorz Grela

    • Abstract: The subject of this article is project portfolio risk categorisation. Research conducted indicated categories containing the most probable and significant risks. The research described in this paper was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the relevant literature was reviewed and the Delphi method was used to identify 36 risks specific to a project portfolio. In the second stage, the respondents (project portfolio managers) assessed the probability of each risk occurring and the impact of that risk on the objectives of the project portfolio. The empirical data obtained in this way made it possible to conduct an exploratory factor analysis and to identify the risk categories of the project portfolio. The presented results may also contribute to a broader discussion concerning the validity of identifying project portfolio risks and how to categorise them. The results may be useful for further discussion on the empirical confirmation of three categories of portfolio risks proposed by the Project Management Institute.

      Keywords:project portfolio risk, portfolio risk categorization, factor analysis results

  • | The roles of top management and users in strategic IS planning: a perspective of SMEs
    [2018] Raja Ali, Rosli Mohamad, Yurita Talib, Akilah Abdullah

    • Abstract: Research on the strategic Information Systems (IS) planning is typically concentrated on large firms. However, the outcomes of this research may not be sufficient to adequately apply to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Responding to the limited body of work in SMEs with respect to strategic IS planning, this research aims to fill the gap in the body of literature. Having limited resources available, financially and technically, strategic IS planning is getting more crucial for SMEs. Prior work suggests that a high level of internal competencies such as IT leadership by the owner or the top management of the firm are important for progressive IT development to take place in SMEs. Having said that IS is getting paramount for firm’s survival to optimize IS effectively, it is incumbent to investigate the factors influencing strategic IS planning amongst the SMEs. This study contributes to research and practice by providing in-depth insights into the IS planning processes in SMEs with a particular focus on the roles of top management and users. Researchers can use these results, which are somewhat different from larger organizations, to revise IS planning phases.

      Keywords:strategic IS planning, top management commitment, user participation, SMEs

  • | What causes positive customer satisfaction in an ineffectual software development project? A mechanism from a process tracing case study
    [2018] Bjørnar Tessem

    • Abstract: The customer role is crucial in agile information systems development (ISD). There is, however, a scarceness in research on how this role is enacted, and how its practice influences project outcome. In this longitudinal case study, an agile ISD project is followed with a particular focus on the customer organization’s participation, aiming to contribute to the understanding of how customers influence agile ISD projects. The data analysis follows a process tracing approach, a case study method where one aims to identify the causes and outcomes of any kind of process through the rigorous analysis of qualitative data. The analysis of the case shows that the low completion of the initial project requirements was caused by over-scoping and by an immature customer. Further, the customer’s acceptance of the outcome was caused by the agile practices introduced in the project. These helped to create a high customer’s sense of responsibility for the outcome, which worked as a mediator towards a positive acceptance of the delivery. The study contributes a mechanism for why agile projects may still be successful in light of low delivery. It is also a first case study in the information systems field explicitly using a process tracing approach.

      Keywords:information systems development, agile methods, customer role, process tracing, causal model

| Volume 06 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 6 No. 3
    [2018] João Varajão

  • | How Digital Transformation affects Enterprise Architecture Management – a case study
    [2018] Julia Kaidalova, Sandkuhl Kurt, Seigerroth Ulf

    • Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, cyber-physical systems and other recent technological innovations offer new opportunities for enterprises in the context of Digital Transformation (DT) but also cause new challenges for Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), which traditionally deals with enterprise-IT planning and coordination. Based on an industrial case of a power garden products manufacturer that is exploring potentials and facing challenges in DT, this article investigates the integration of product-IT into EAM. Product-IT includes the embedded IT-systems in physical products and services, components for operations, maintenance or evaluation purposes. In this article we discuss product-IT and enterprise-IT integration in the context of EAM observed in the industrial practice. The main contributions are (1) positioning of the product-IT in the field of EAM, and (2) identification of the challenges from real-world case regarding integration of product-IT into EAM.

      Keywords:product-IT, smart, connected product, digital transformation, enterprise-IT, enterprise architecture management, digitalization

  • | Decision-making to switch your ERP system: empirical Japanese evidence
    [2018] Tingting Huang

    • Abstract: A huge research gap in ERP life cycle, the Decline stage, remains. Not only limited empirical evidence is found to support the Decline stage, but also, the existence of this stage is not acknowledged by the majority. On the other hand, because that the Decline stage is short of theory and data support, organizations which are or will be at this stage have little help to deal with what might happen. This research aims at proposing a practical decision model for organizations facing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) switching/reversion. The process model of Rasmussen’s Cognitive Control of Decision Processes was adopted as the theory lens to construct the decision model. Based on the survey results from eighteen organizations, a descriptive model - A2O model - is proposed. This research fulfills the blank in the ERP life cycle, provides the empirical supports on exploring the critical issues, and enlightens vendors and consultants on product development and customer service.

      Keywords:Enterprise Resource Planning, decision model, decline stage, survey, ERP life cycle

  • | To schedule or not to schedule? An investigation of meetings as an inter-team coordination mechanism in large-scale agile software development
    [2018] Nils Brede Moe, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Knut Rolland

    • Abstract: Coordination of teams is critical when managing large programmes that involve multiple teams. In large-scale software development, work is carried out simultaneously by many developers and development teams. Results are delivered frequently and iteratively, which requires coordination on different levels, e.g., the programme, project, and team levels. Prior studies of knowledge work indicate that such work relies heavily on coordination through "personal" modes such as mutual adjustment between individuals or through scheduled or unscheduled meetings. In agile software development processes, principles and work structures emerge during the project and are not predetermined. We studied how coordination through scheduled and unscheduled meetings changes over time in two large software development programmes relying on agile methods. Our findings include transitions from scheduled to unscheduled meetings and from unscheduled to scheduled meetings. The transitions have been initiated both bottom-up and top-down in the programme organizations. The main implication is that programme management needs to be sensitive to the vital importance of coordination and the coordination needs as they change over time. Further, when starting a program, we recommend to early identify the important scheduled meetings, as having enough scheduled meetings is important to develop a common understanding of domain knowledge.

      Keywords:coordination, programme management, agile software development, large-scale agile, software engineering

  • | Understanding impact of business intelligence to organizational performance using cluster analysis: does culture matter?
    [2018] Mirjana Pejić Bach, Jurij Jaklič, Dalia Suša Vugec

    • Abstract: Business intelligence is an approach that includes processes and systems for transformation of the raw data into meaningful and useful information which enables effective, systematic and purposeful analysis of an organization and its competitive environment. This paper aims to analyze the impact of the level of business intelligence maturity to organizational performance of the company. Moreover, since there is a rising awareness among practitioners of the role of the organizational culture for the successful functioning of the company, the role of the organizational culture is taken into consideration in this research. In order to meet the aim of the paper, a survey has been conducted. Data has been collected through questionnaires on a sample of 177 Croatian and Slovenian companies and analyzed by means of the cluster analysis. The analysis identified two clusters. The results of the cross-tabulation analysis of the clusters reveal statistically significant differences in terms of the company turnover and dominant organizational culture between them.

      Keywords:business intelligence, business intelligence maturity, organizational performance, organizational culture, cluster analysis

| Volume 06 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 6 No. 2
    [2018] João Varajão

  • | Considering sustainability in projects: exploring the perspective of suppliers
    [2018] Rutger T. Peenstra, A.J.Gilbert Silvius

    • Abstract: Projects play an important role in the development towards a more sustainable society. Companies are integrating sustainability in their strategies, processes and actions. In the implementation of strategies, projects play an essential role. The relationship between sustainability and project management is therefore being addressed in a growing number of studies and publications and sustainability can be considered one of the recent trends in project management. However, there is still a gap between the literature on sustainability in project management and what is carried out in practice. A logical enabler for the consideration of sustainability in projects may be the demand of the client in the project, although the supplier’s strategy may also be an enabler of sustainability. This article therefore reports a study into the enablers of the integration of sustainability in projects as perceived by project suppliers. The study used Q-methodology to explore different subjective patterns of perceived enablers. Based on the factor analysis of 19 Q-sorts, we discovered three distinct patterns of enablers of the integration of sustainability, that we labelled as “Benefits driven”, “Demand and intrinsic motivation driven” and “Demand and Strategy driven”. As expected, the study found that for project suppliers, integrating sustainability in projects is strongly dependent on the demand and willingness of the customer to pay for sustainability. However, adoption of sustainability could also be a differentiator for suppliers. It should therefore be questioned whether a contractor should wait for the customer to ask for sustainability, or whether he should proactively take action himself.

      Keywords:sustainability, project management, project suppliers, Q-methodology

  • | Perspectives on reusing codified project knowledge: a structured literature review
    [2018] André Coners, Benjamin Matthies

    • Abstract: Project documentation represents a valuable source of knowledge in project-based organizations. The practical reality is, however, that the knowledge codified in project documents is hardly re-used in future projects. A central problem in this context is the extensive amount of usually textual material. As a consequence, computer-assisted processes are indispensable in order to analytically manage the constantly growing and evolving databases of available project documents. The goal of this study is to summarize the current research focusing on the computer-assisted reuse of textually codified project knowledge and to define the corresponding state-of-the-art in this this specific field of information systems research. As a result of a literature review, this study structures the body of research contributions and outlines what kinds of computer-assisted techniques are incorporated, what practical application areas these solutions address, and in what business domains they are applied. In particular, this should point out research opportunities and thereby make a contribution to the further development of knowledge management in project environments.

      Keywords:project knowledge management, knowledge management, project documentation, codified knowledge, text mining

  • | Governance of inter-organizational systems: a longitudinal case study of Rotterdam’s Port Community System
    [2018] Dissa R. Chandra, Jos van Hillegersberg

    • Abstract: An increasing use of inter-organizational systems, as Port Community System (PCS), can be observed in port collaborations. As multiple organizations often rely on PCS, even for business-critical processes, proper governance of these systems is crucial. This study aims to explain the governance of inter-organizational port collaborations using a lifecycles paradigm. The governance is explored using three points of view – i.e. governance mechanisms, governance aspects, and governance models – and by describing the actors’ roles in collaborations. A case study in the port of Rotterdam is analyzed to explain how these actors affect the governance models through the mechanisms to govern the aspects in each lifecycle stage. The port collaboration in Rotterdam has gone through three full governance lifecycles and has entered the fourth iteration after the set-up of Portbase. During the last two cycles, the collaboration has maintained its Network Administrative Organization governance model. This case study analysis of Rotterdam’s port collaboration provides an example of how a systematic approach could help to discuss and communicate the governance of inter-organizational port collaboration systems and gives some lessons learned for other collaborations.

      Keywords:collaboration, governance, inter-organizational system, lifecycle, Port Community System

  • | IT program management challenges: insights from programs that ran into difficulties
    [2018] R. Alexander Teubner

    • Abstract: The use of Information Technology (IT) to drive organizational change has gained momentum in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and currently culminates in a vivid discussion on what many call “Digital Transformation”. It is not surprising then that practitioners seek guidance on how to manage such transformation. Professional bodies have addressed this need by issuing best practice standards for Program Management (PgM), but we know little about their value in managing programs in general and IT programs in particular. Academic research on IT PgM is still in its very infancy. Taking this as motivation, we have investigated the challenges that managers faced in five IT programs that encountered problems. Our analysis reveals a set of management issues and shortcomings including, among others, a lack of architectural overview, difficulties in dealing with scope changes, stakeholder interest, diverse business groups and cultures, as well as a lack of internal PgM competences and unclear management responsibilities. In this paper, based on our findings, we present a first checklist for managing IT programs across their life cycle. Though still tentative and not necessarily comprehensive, we were able to confirm that our checklist provides relevant guidance for managing IT programs in practice.

      Keywords:IT program, IT project, IT program management, IT project management, organizational change, Technochange

| Volume 06 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 6 No. 1
    [2018] João Varajão

  • | Factors influencing the organizational adoption of cloud computing: a survey among cloud workers
    [2018] Mark Stieninger, Dietmar Nedbal, Werner Wetzlinger, Gerold Wagner

    • Abstract: Cloud computing presents an opportunity for organizations to leverage affordable, scalable, and agile technologies. However, even with the demonstrated value of cloud computing, organizations have been hesitant to adopt such technologies. Based on a multi-theoretical research model, this paper provides an empirical study targeted to better understand the adoption of cloud services. An online survey addressing the factors derived from literature for three specific popular cloud application types (cloud storage, cloud mail and cloud office) was undertaken. The research model was analyzed by using variance-based structural equation modelling. Results show that the factors of compatibility, relative advantage, security and trust, as well as, a lower level of complexity lead to a more positive attitude towards cloud adoption. Complexity, compatibility, image and security and trust have direct and indirect effects on relative advantage. These factors further explain a large part of the attitude towards cloud adoption but not of its usage.

      Keywords:Cloud Computing, Cloud Adoption, Cloud Services, Diffusion of Innovations, Technology Acceptance Model, Structural Equation Modelling

  • | Determinants of analytics-based managerial decision-making
    [2018] Usarat Thirathon, Bernhard Wieder, Maria-Luise Ossimitz

    • Abstract: This study investigates how managerial decision-making is influenced by Big Data analytics, analysts’ interaction skills and quantitative skills of senior and middle managers. The results of a cross-sectional survey of senior IT managers reveal that Big Data analytics (BDA) creates an incentive for managers to base more of their decisions on analytic insights. However, we also find that interaction skills of analysts and – even more so – managers’ quantitative skills are stronger drivers of analytics-based decision-making. Finally, our analysis reveals that, contrary to mainstream perceptions, managers in smaller organizations are more capable in terms of quantitative skills, and they are significantly more likely to base their decisions on analytics than managers in large organizations. Considering the important role of managers’ quantitative skills in leveraging analytic decision support, our findings suggest that smaller firms may owe some of their analytic advantages to the fact that they have managers who are closer to their analysts – and analytics more generally.

      Keywords:Big Data analytics, decision-making, quantitative skills, interaction skills, firm size

  • | ERP systems selection in multinational enterprises: a practical guide
    [2018] Moutaz Haddara

    • Abstract: The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system selection is an early phase in the ERP adoption process. When organizations evaluate an ERP, they commonly develop their own selection criteria that usually involve various system and vendor related factors. While the selection process is critical, however, there is an apparent research gap in literature. The ERP selection effort also focuses on the system’s fit with the organizational requirements and needs. Thus, the selection phase is critical, because if an organization chooses an unfit ERP, the whole project could be predestined to fail. This research provides an overview of an ERP selection process at an overseas branch office of a multinational company. The process employed a simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART) for evaluation. In addition, this research presents how cross-border data protection laws between the parent company and its branch have influenced the selection process. As the ERP system has been implemented successfully, the method and the selection factors have been proven adequate for the selection process.

      Keywords:ERP selection, SMART analysis; multinational enterprise, cross-border data exchange

  • | Lifespan of information service firms in Japan: a survival analysis
    [2018] Seigo Matsuno, Yasuo Uchida, Tsutomu Ito, Takao Ito

    • Abstract: The purpose of this paper is an analysis of survival in the Japanese information service industry. Information service firms are generally classified into two typical patterns. One is the group of independent firms such as software vendors, and the other is the group of non-independent such as subsidiaries established by spinning off and so on. We used a sample of 334 firms in Japan and analyzed by Kaplan-Meier estimator method and Cox proportional hazard regression model in order to investigate the difference of survival between these two groups and/or among other attributes. As a result, the lifespan of the information service firms significantly depends on the degree of system integration sales ratio, software development sales ratio, and entrusted processing sales ratio. On the contrary, property of non-independence and high sales ratio with main customers have a negative influence on their survival rates, i.e. lifespan. The paper discusses these results and offers some managerial implications, and future research opportunities are provided.

      Keywords:Survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier estimator, Cox proportional hazard regression model, information service industry

| Volume 05 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 5 No. 4
    [2017] João Varajão

  • | An assessment of business intelligence in public hospitals
    [2017] Rikke Gaardboe, Niels Sandalgaard, Tom Nyvang

    • Abstract: In this paper, DeLone and McLean's information systems success model is empirically tested on 12 public hospitals in Denmark. The study aims to investigate the factors that contribute to business intelligence (BI) success. 1,352 BI end-users answered the questionnaire. A partial least square structural equation model was used to empirically test the model. We find that system quality is positively and significantly associated with use and user satisfaction, and that information quality is positively and significantly associated with user satisfaction. User satisfaction is positively and significantly related to individual impact. The other paths in the model are insignificant. Our findings also provide empirical support for the role of user satisfaction as a mechanism that mediates the relationship between information quality or system quality and individual impact. User satisfaction is not only a critical construct in the information systems success model but it also serves as a mediator. Generally, the model finds empirical support, as it has a good fit and predictive value.

      Keywords:IS success, evaluation, business intelligence, healthcare information system, quantitative method

  • | Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation
    [2017] Birgit Großer, Ulrike Baumöl

    • Abstract: Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field.

      Keywords:Virtual teams, teamwork, change management, integrated framework, megatrends

  • | Using BPMN to model Internet of Things behavior within business process
    [2017] Dulce Domingos, Francisco Martins

    • Abstract: Whereas, traditionally, business processes use the Internet of Things (IoTs) as a distributed source of information, the increase of computational capabilities of IoT devices provides them with the means to also execute parts of the business logic, reducing the amount of exchanged data and central processing. Current approaches based on Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) already support modelers to define both business processes and IoT devices behavior at the same level of abstraction. However, they are not restricted to standard BPMN elements and they generate IoT device specific low-level code. The work we present in this paper exclusivelly uses standard BPMN to define central as well as IoT behavior of business processes. In addition, the BPMN that defines the IoT behavior is translated to a neutral-platform programming code. The deployment and execution environments use Web services to support the communication between the process execution engine and IoT devices.

      Keywords:Internet of Things, Business Process modelling, BPMN, IoT-aware business process

  • | Relativism in the Cloud: Cloud Sourcing in virtue of IS Development Outsourcing - A literature review
    [2017] Björn Johansson, Mirella Muhic

    • Abstract: Nowadays Cloud Computing and Cloud Sourcing is on the agenda in many organizations. Many Chief Information Officers (CIOs) that urge for alternatives to traditional outsourcing are interested in how they can take advantage from Cloud Computing, by sourcing Information Technology (IT) from the cloud. This paper provides an overview of the research direction of Cloud Sourcing in the IS field. A literature review based on selected papers from top Information Systems (IS) journals and conferences were conducted. Findings from the review indicate that the attention of Cloud Sourcing in IS literature has mainly been directed towards security and risk as well as adoption issues, and that Cloud Sourcing is claimed to be the next generation of outsourcing. Unfortunately, this is where this strong claim ends without any further evidence, which indicate that there is a need for more research on Cloud Sourcing, especially in the direction of investigating relationships and implications when organizations start using Cloud Sourcing.

      Keywords:Outsourcing, Cloud Sourcing, Cloud Computing, IT operations, IT maintenance, IT development

| Volume 05 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 5 No. 3
    [2017] João Varajão

  • | What are the requirements of a successful ERP implementation in SMEs? Special focus on Southern Africa
    [2017] Victoria Hasheela-Mufeti, Kari Smolander

    • Abstract: Many international Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems were developed based on the best practices of organizations in which they were developed. These organizations are usually large, and in developed countries. However, small organizations in other parts of the world are also implementing ERP. Implementing a system based on different practices that differ from yours is certainly bound to come with issues. The objective of the study is to identify challenges experienced by SMEs when implementing ERP systems, and to suggest requirements of achieving successful implementations in SMEs in Southern Africa. A thematic analysis methodology was used to explore identified challenges from fourteen SMEs and to identify themes within the data. The study suggested that a successful ERP implementation requires sufficient and appropriate training, reliable internet connection, involvement of end-users, change management, as well as sufficient demonstration of the prospective ERP system.

      Keywords:Enterprise Resource Planning, Small and Medium Enterprises, challenges, solutions, SME, Southern Africa

  • | Lifecycle management in government-driven open source projects – practical framework
    [2017] Katja Henttonen, Jukka Kääriäinen, Jani Kylmäaho

    • Abstract: In many parts of the world, public sector organizations are increasingly interested in collaborating across organizational (and even national) boundaries to develop software solutions under an open licence. However, without sound lifecycle management practices, the full benefits of open collaboration are not achieved and projects fail to achieve sustained success. This paper introduces a lifecycle management model and framework for government-driven open-source projects and reports about its use in a real-life case study. Our focus is on lifecycle management activities which take place between deployment and end-of-life. The framework was developed iteratively through a series of focus group discussions with representatives of public sector organizations. After the framework had been taken into use in our real-life case project, individual qualitative interviews were conducted to collect experiences on its benefits and weaknesses. According to the initial evidence, the deployment of the framework seems to have brought concrete benefits to the project, e.g. by contributing positively to community growth, software quality and inter-organizational learning.

      Keywords:public information systems, open source, open-source software, e-government, software lifecycle management, public sector

  • | Are PMOs really that momentous for public authorities?
    [2017] Siw Lundqvist

    • Abstract: Project management offices (PMOs) are frequently referred to as necessary, or even indispensable, for carrying out projects in multi-project settings, which often occur in public authorities’ IT-projects; particularly in times of today’s sweeping digitalization. Hence, this research studied Swedish public authorities and their IT departments’ use of PMOs; a survey was directed to IT project managers. Findings showed that even though PMOs are commonly described as significant, those that applied PMOs were fewer than those that did not. This research searched for correlations between the existence of PMOs and 88 variables that resulted in relatively few, mostly weak correlations. A hypothesis test did not show significant association between PMOs’ usage and project models’ usage. The research contributions are principally that PMOs do not appear to be that significant after all for Swedish public authorities, and to have reasonable expectations on PMOs. For practice, the implications foremost concern the importance of understanding conceivable pros and cons.

      Keywords:project management office, PMO, Public authorities, IT projects, IT project manager

  • | BPFlexTemplate: A Business Process template generation tool based on similarity and flexibility
    [2017] Latifa Ilahi, Sonia Ayachi-Ghannouchi, Ricardo Martinho

    • Abstract: In large organizations with multiple organizational units, process variants emerge due to many aspects, including local management policies, resources or socio-technical limitations. Organizations then struggle to improve a business process which has no longer a single process model to redesign, implement and adjust. In this paper, we propose an approach to tackle these two challenges: decrease the proliferation of process variants in these organizations, and foresee, at the same time, the need of having flexible business processes that allow for a certain degree of adjustment. To validate our approach, we first conducted case studies where we collected six real-world business process variants from two organizational units of the same healthcare organization. We then proposed an algorithm to derive a template process model from all the variants, which includes common and flexible process elements. We implemented our approach in a software tool called BPFlexTemplate, and tested it with the elicited variants.

      Keywords:BPM, Process variants, Template model, Generalisation, Healthcare processes, Similarity metrics

| Volume 05 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 5 No. 2
    [2017] João Varajão

  • | An extension of the technology acceptance model for business intelligence systems: project management maturity perspective
    [2017] Mirjana Pejić Bach, Jovana Zoroja, Amer Čeljo

    • Abstract: Business intelligence systems (BISs) refer to wide range of technologies and applications useful for retrieving and analyzing the large amount of information with the goal to generate knowledge useful for making effective business decision. In order to investigate adoption of BISs in companies, we propose a model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) that is expanded by variables representing the concept of a project management maturity (PMM). The survey on the sample of USA companies has been conducted with the chief information officer (CIO) as the main informant. Structural equations model has been developed in order to test the research model. Results indicate that TAM expanded with the notion of PMM is useful in increasing understanding of BISs adoption in companies.

      Keywords:business intelligence systems, technology acceptance model, project management maturity, chief information office

  • | The rise of the prosumer: an analysis of self-service technology adoption in a corporate context
    [2017] Eoghan Considine, Kathryn Cormican

    • Abstract: The adoption of self-service technology (SST) has been well researched in consumer contexts but, despite the existing body of work, few studies have investigated in detail the specific determinants for user satisfaction in a corporate context. This study attempts to address this deficit. The goal of our work is to examine employees’ perception of SST. To do this, four dimensions of the SSTQUAL quality scale namely (a) functionality; (b) security; (c) design and (d) customization were adapted to collect data from 182 knowledge workers in a financial services multi-national organization. The findings lead to the following insights. First respondents believe that SSTs can perform the task required in a timely and straightforward manner. They also feel that transactions are safe and secure. However, we learned that, although essential to user satisfaction, respondents have concerns regarding the design and customization of the technology. They believe that the technology employed is not user centric. Furthermore, respondents are not pleased with the layouts or aesthetics of the technology and they feel that the features are not personalized for their specific requirements. The study is important for many reasons. First, it expands the discussion on SST adoption by focusing on the corporate context thus contributing to the body of knowledge in the domain. Second, it captures and analyses real world empirical data and helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. Finally, the findings can help service providers to create effective user driven solutions.

      Keywords:self-service technologies, technology adoption, satisfaction, SSTQUAL quality scale

  • | Are project managers ready for the 21th challenges? A review of problem structuring methods for decision support
    [2017] José Mateo, Emma Navamuel, María Villa

    • Abstract: Numerous contemporary problems that project managers face today can be considered as unstructured decision problems characterized by multiple actors and perspectives, incommensurable and/or conflicting objectives, and important intangibles. This work environment demands that project managers possess not only hard skills but also soft skills with the ability to take a management perspective and, above all, develop real leadership capabilities. In this paper, a family of problem structured methods for decision support aimed at assisting project managers in tackling complex problems are presented. Problem structured methods are a family of soft operations research methods for decision support that assist groups of diverse composition to agree a problem focus and make commitments to consequential action. Project management programs are challenged to implement these methodologies in such a way that it is organized around the key competences that a project manager needs in order to be more effective, work efficiently as members of interdisciplinary teams and successfully execute even a small project.

      Keywords:project management, problem structuring methods, hard methods, soft methods

  • | Use of cloud computing services in micro and small enterprises: a fit perspective
    [2017] Patrick Wamuyu

    • Abstract: Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) require the right Organizational Information and Communication Technology Infrastructure (OICTI) to provide them with the essential functionalities to support their business processes. In order to have the right OICTI, MSEs are expected to make huge investments in financial and human resources, to purchase, deploy and maintain Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). Cloud Computing Services (CCS) avail OICTI, for a fraction of the resources required to own private ICT infrastructure. The purpose of this study was to assess the fit between the MSE’s OICTI needs and the information processing capabilities of CCS and how this fit influences CCS adoption in the Kenyan MSEs. The research was quantitative in nature, in which, a theory-based model grounded on the task technology fit, organization information processing and technology-organization-environment theories was developed and validated. Study findings suggest strong correlations between MSEs’ tasks and CCS and between MSEs’ information processing needs and CCS information processing capabilities. Other factors identified as influencing CCS procurement are affordability and the relationship between the CCS providers and the MSEs. The study contributes to the academic literature on technology adoption in MSEs by showing that there exists a multidimensional fit between CCS and MSEs’ OICTI requirements.

      Keywords:cloud computing, MSEs, ICT acquisition, organizational information and communication technology infrastructure

| Volume 05 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 5 No. 1
    [2017] João Varajão

  • | Enterprise collaboration systems: addressing adoption challenges and the shaping of sociotechnical systems
    [2017] Clara Greeven, Susan Williams

    • Abstract: This article examines the adoption challenges organizations encounter when they introduce enterprise collaboration systems (ECS) and the measures that can be used, i.e. actions that can be taken, to address these challenges. The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the multitude of different ECS adoption challenges and measures, and based on these, to lay the theoretical and analytical basis for studying the shaping of such complex sociotechnical systems. For this purpose, a qualitative meta-analysis of the academic literature and interviews with companies were conducted, which resulted in a collection of ECS challenges and measures classified and analyzed with regard to their specific spatiotemporal aspects. Drawing on the results of this study, research imperatives, which include the call for studying ECS over multiple time frames and settings, are presented. These will be examined in greater depth as part of our wider, multidisciplinary research program that focuses on enterprise collaboration systems use in the emerging digital workplace.

      Keywords:Enterprise Collaboration System, ECS, Enterprise Social Software, ESS, CSCW, adoption

  • | Developing offshore outsourcing practices in a global selective outsourcing environment – the IT supplier’s viewpoint
    [2017] Anne-Maarit Majanoja, Linnéa Linko, Ville Leppänen

    • Abstract: Currently, internal IT organizations use outsourcing and offshore arrangements to achieve cost savings and gain access to new capabilities. It was found that suppliers’ personnel at the operational level can face challenges with internalizing their operations based on the agreed outsourcing practices and transferred responsibilities. This study gives voice to the supplier and studies the impact of offshore outsourcing operation development activities. The internal IT unit from Nokia Devices selectively outsourced global IT service activities and responsibilities to the IT supplier. The outsourced activities were implemented by offshore centers in India and China. It was found that the global selective outsourcing environment (GSOE) did not provide a solution to all of their expectations, and new unexpected challenges occurred. Several practices, communication and information sharing, and behavior-related lessons learned items were identified. It was found that the GSOE operation needs to be developed and implemented in an agile and incremental manner, instead of a singular implementation approach. Also, the globally distributed teams’ group dynamics critically impacted on the teams’ ability to work. The lessons learned items and recommendations can be utilized by other companies during their mode-of-operation development.

      Keywords:global IT services, selective outsourcing, offshore outsourcing, quality practices, operation development

  • | Change management lessons learned for Lean IT implementations
    [2017] Jörn Kobus, Markus Westner, Susanne Strahringer

    • Abstract: Lean Management is a standard production mode that has been familiar to production organizations for several decades. To date, however, academic literature has presented surprisingly little information about the application of Lean Management in Information Technology (IT) organizations, or what is called Lean IT. Drawing upon an empirical qualitative case study of the IT departments of two multinational companies, in this paper we identify change management lessons learned for Lean IT implementations, as well as seven characteristics of a corresponding change management approach. As an extension of our work, researchers should validate and expand our initial findings, preferably in a quantitative setting.

      Keywords:Lean Management, Lean IT, implementation, case study, lessons learned

  • | Tackling the digitalization challenge: how to benefit from digitalization in practice
    [2017] Päivi Parviainen, Maarit Tihinen, Jukka Kääriäinen, Susanna Teppola

    • Abstract: Digitalization has been identified as one of the major trends changing society and business. Digitalization causes changes for companies due to the adoption of digital technologies in the organization or in the operation environment. This paper discusses digitalization from the viewpoint of diverse case studies carried out to collect data from several companies, and a literature study to complement the data. This paper describes the first version of the digital transformation model, derived from synthesis of these industrial cases, explaining a starting point for a systematic approach to tackle digital transformation. The model is aimed to help companies systematically handle the changes associated with digitalization. The model consists of four main steps, starting with positioning the company in digitalization and defining goals for the company, and then analyzing the company’s current state with respect to digitalization goals. Next, a roadmap for reaching the goals is defined and implemented in the company. These steps are iterative and can be repeated several times. Although company situations vary, these steps will help to systematically approach digitalization and to take the steps necessary to benefit from it.

      Keywords:digitalization, digital transformation, systematic change, case studies, transformation method

| Volume 04 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 4 No. 4
    [2016] João Varajão

  • | Understanding dyadic promoter-stakeholder relations in complex projects
    [2016] Janita Vos, Albert Boonstra, Marjolein Achterkamp

    • Abstract: In this study, we propose a Bilateral Double Motive framework of stakeholder cooperation in complex projects. The framework analyses and explains dyadic promoter-stakeholder relationships at a micro level by acknowledging both transactional and relational motives. We demonstrate the framework’s usefulness by illustrating its explanatory power in two instances of cooperation and two of non-cooperation within two health information technology projects. The study contributes to project management theory through its combined focus on transactional and relational motives. Further, the study contributes to practice by providing a tool for planning and evaluating cooperation in health Information Technology projects and similar complex multi-stakeholder environments.

      Keywords:issue impact, promoter-stakeholder cooperation, project stakeholder management, salience

  • | A process framework for information security management
    [2016] Knut Haufe, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Srdan Dzombeta, Knud Brandis

    • Abstract: Securing sensitive organizational data has become increasingly vital to organizations. An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a systematic approach for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an organization's information security. Key elements of the operation of an ISMS are ISMS processes. However, and in spite of its importance, an ISMS process framework with a description of ISMS processes and their interaction as well as the interaction with other management processes is not available in the literature. Cost benefit analysis of information security investments regarding single measures protecting information and ISMS processes are not in the focus of current research, mostly focused on economics. This article aims to fill this research gap by proposing such an ISMS process framework as the main contribution. Based on a set of agreed upon ISMS processes in existing standards like ISO 27000 series, COBIT and ITIL. Within the framework, identified processes are described and their interaction and interfaces are specified. This framework helps to focus on the operation of the ISMS, instead of focusing on measures and controls. By this, as a main finding, the systemic character of the ISMS consisting of processes and the perception of relevant roles of the ISMS is strengthened.

      Keywords:information security, IT security management, ISMS, process framework

  • | Thematic grouping for messages in major events
    [2016] Wallace Pinheiro, Ricardo Fernandes, Luciene Souza

    • Abstract: The process of information evaluation may compete with the decision making process by requiring the limited cognitive resources. In the case of Major Events, such as the Football World Cup or the Olympic Games, the thematic grouping of every information may be overwhelming. The theme switching caused by information associated with a different thematic group may be modelled as an interruption in multitasking set-ups. Thus, automate the thematic grouping of information may facilitate the decision making process by reducing the theme switching for a decision maker when he reads a set of messages. It was used clustering techniques with multi-criteria to group the messages in themes. These criteria were implemented as configurable operators. To achieve a better comprehension of those parameters, we introduced the concepts of Thematic strength (TS) and Thematic Density (TD). The evaluation of the strategy was made over a set of operational messages available in the Pacificador system during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

      Keywords:decision-making, thematic grouping, multi-criteria clustering, major events, messages

  • | Formal approach to modeling of modern Information Systems
    [2016] Bálint Molnár, András Benczúr, András Béleczki

    • Abstract: Most recently, the concept of business documents has started to play double role. On one hand, a business document (word processing text or calculation sheet) can be used as specification tool, on the other hand the business document is an immanent constituent of business processes, thereby essential component of business Information Systems. The recent tendency is that the majority of documents and their contents within business Information Systems remain in semi-structured format and a lesser part of documents is transformed into schemas of structured databases. In order to keep the emerging situation in hand, we suggest the creation (1) a theoretical framework for modeling business Information Systems; (2) and a design method for practical application based on the theoretical model that provides the structuring principles. The modeling approach that focuses on documents and their interrelationships with business processes assists in perceiving the activities of modern Information Systems.

      Keywords:formal modeling, document centric process and data modeling, information system architecture, information systems modeling

| Volume 04 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 4 No. 3
    [2016] João Varajão

  • | Exploring the relationship between sustainability and project success - conceptual model and expected relationships
    [2016] Gilbert Silvius, Ron Schipper

    • Abstract: Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. Companies are integrating sustainability in their marketing, communication and their actions. Sustainability has more recently also been linked to project management. The logic behind this link is that sustainability needs change and projects are realizing change. Several studies explored how the concept of sustainability impact project management. The research project reported in this paper elaborates on these works by studying how sustainability affects project success. Project managers, logically, strive for project success and considering sustainability may influence this success. Based upon a review of relevant literature, the paper develops a conceptual model that provides a more detailed understanding of how considering different dimensions of sustainability may affect the individual criteria of project success. The study also provides a conceptual mapping of the different relationships between dimensions of sustainability and criteria of project success. This mapping shows that the most positive relationships are expected for the relationship between sustainability and the success criteria stakeholder satisfaction, future readiness and controlled project execution. The expected relationship between considering sustainability and completing the project on schedule and within budget is uncertain.

      Keywords:sustainability, triple bottom line, sustainable project management, project management, project management success

  • | PESTOL - Framework for «Project Evaluation on Strategic, Tactical and Operational Levels»
    [2016] Youcef Zidane, Agnar Johansen, Bassam Hussein, Bjørn Andersen

    • Abstract: The paper focuses on the development of the ex-post conceptual holistic framework for Project Evaluation on Strategic, Tactical and Operational Levels, the PESTOL model, by reviewing different definitions of project success and/or failure and combining the findings with the logic framework. The model reflects the project life cycle by considering all project phases, such as identification and conception. To demonstrate the relevance of the developed model, the authors applied it to a project case, the Algerian East–West Highway megaproject. The project has attracted media attention and a number of media discussions of the project have been limited to the completion of the project in a short-term perspective. In this regard, the discussions have been notably associated with delays and expenditures coming in over budget, referring to project efficiency. One reason for the media focus on these aspects alone is that they can easily be measured. The relevance of the project and its effects - whether it attains its goals and objectives measured in terms of effectiveness, including impact and sustainability - can only be verified at a later stage, after the project has delivered its results. These are much broader aspects and are therefore difficult to measure.

      Keywords:PESTOL model, evaluation, impact, sustainability, megaproject

  • | Issues for the long-term management of Social Business Documents
    [2016] Verena Hausmann, Susan Williams

    • Abstract: Social business documents are currently one of the fastest growing content types within organizations. As carriers of important business information they require systematic management to ensure their content is available, accurate and protected over the long-term. To achieve this requires a deep understanding of their structure, nature and use. In this paper we present the findings of a preliminary study of social business documents. The aim of the study is to understand how social business documents are structured and to identify the issues and challenges that surround their management. Through an analysis of social business documents in four different systems we identify and compare their structural components from a user perspective. From this cross document/cross system analysis we develop a conceptual model for social business documents and identify issues for their long-term management. Our findings also identify the need for more in-depth modeling for which we propose methods to assist in understanding the syntactic and semantic structure of social business documents and how these change over the life of a social business document.

      Keywords:social business documents, compound documents, document modelling, enterprise information management, enterprise collaboration systems, enterprise social software

  • | Challenges of adopting agile methods in a public organization
    [2016] Jouko Nuottila, Kirsi Aaltonen, Jaakko Kujala

    • Abstract: Agile development methods are widely used among business enterprises. Since the introduction of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, several agile methods have been implemented, first in single-team set-ups and later in larger multi-team set-ups for complex Information Technology (IT) system development. However, the adoption of agile methods has been slow in the public sector. This is also reflected in the academic literature, as there are only a few studies discussing agile adoption in public organizations. This paper contributes to research on the use of agile practices specifically in the context of public organizations, and sheds light on the challenges a public organization may face while adopting these practices. The aim of this paper is to identify and categorize the challenges that may hinder efficient adoption and use of agile methods in public IT projects that include private software vendors. This research is based on a case study of a large governmental office. As a result, this paper presents several categories of identified challenges, the root causes of these challenges, and a discussion of the characteristics of these challenges for the public sector.

      Keywords:agile methods, adoption of agile methods, agile challenges, agile barriers, agile project management, software project management

| Volume 04 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 4 No. 2
    [2016] João Varajão

  • | Improving intercultural competency in global IT projects through recognition of culture-based behaviors
    [2016] Richard Amster, Christina Böhm

    • Abstract: The success of global IT projects is highly influenced by culture-based behaviors. Issues between individuals arise when behaviors are (mis-)perceived, (mis-)interpreted, and (mis-)judged by using the perceiver’s expectations, beliefs, and values. Misperception results when the behavior is not anticipated because it would not occur in ones own culture. As a result, behavior should be the starting point for cross-cultural research. But, studies have primarily focused on belief and value systems which are more abstract and less specific than behaviors. This paper presents a study that analyzed cultural behavioral differences between Indian project managers and their counterparts in other countries. The conducted qualitative, semi-structured interviews revealed insights into cross-cultural challenges and shed light on the complex ways that culture-based behaviors impact IT projects. The study identified 127 behaviors that significantly affected project success and cross-cultural cooperation between Indian managers and managers from all over the world. These behaviors were grouped into 19 behavior clusters. Understanding these behavior clusters, and correlating these behaviors to values and beliefs, will improve project collaboration, and inform cross-cultural training strategies. In addition, existing cultural dimensions were reduced in scope, additional dimensions were defined for clarity, and new business-related dimensions were identified. Finally, based on the study’s results, the paper suggests four important components that should be added to cross-cultural training programs for international project managers.

      Keywords:cross-cultural, behavior, project management, skills, diversity

  • | The application of post tender negotiation procedure: a public sector procurement perspective in UK
    [2016] Peter Manso, Athanasios Nikas

    • Abstract: Post Tender Negotiation (PTN) procedure is part of the tendering process in procurement of goods and services. The procedure could be triggered if the initial tendering activity does not result in the selection of a supplier. This could be due to a lack of clear Value for Money (VfM) bidder. The PTN procedure is sparingly applied in the UK public sector procurement and the reasons adduced for this are based on ethical considerations. The UK Office of Government Procurement (OGP), formerly known as the Office for Government Commerce (OGC) and the European Union (EU) are the chief proponents of restricting the use of PTN to exceptional cases. The premise of their argument is that the buyer could unethically tilt her/his actions in the process of applying the PTN procedure to favor certain suppliers. It is the argument of this paper that buyers from the public sector in UK are being deprived of the procedure’s benefit and therefore, the restrictions should be relaxed. Evidence from this study suggests that the procedure could offer the opportunity for further clarifications of supplier’s bid. The study also identifies that, for PTN to be successful, factors ensuring success in negotiations including cooperation should be present.

      Keywords:value for money, communication, procurement, negotiations, tendering

  • | Use Cases and Collaboration Scenarios: how employees use socially-enabled Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS)
    [2016] Petra Schubert, Johannes Glitsch

    • Abstract: In recent years we have seen the emergence of a new type of collaboration software, the so-called “Enterprise Social Software”. The “social features” of this software type have stimulated a renewed interest in Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). In this article we present findings from a longitudinal research project on the introduction and use of ECS in companies. We argue that ERP Systems and ECS are inherently different and that the process-paradigm that is common to ERP cannot be applied identically to ECS. To address this issue, we suggest the two concepts use case and collaboration scenario for the analysis and description of collaboration activity in companies. From the literature and 26 case studies we identified typical use cases and collaboration scenarios that can serve as blueprints for ECS introduction projects. The longitudinal objective of our research is to assist companies with their ECS initiatives and to provide them with a catalog of existing use cases and collaboration scenarios from various industry settings.

      Keywords:Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS), Enterprise Social Software (ESS), CSCW, Use Cases, Collaboration Scenarios

  • | A qualitative study of success criteria in Norwegian agile software projects from suppliers’ perspective
    [2016] Lubna Siddique, Bassam Hussein

    • Abstract: This paper provides practical insights into the success criteria in agile projects in the Norwegian software industry. We conducted 32 interviews with practitioners working with agile projects. The findings revealed two fundamental differences that distinguish the perception of success in agile projects from that in projects that are based on the waterfall approach. Firstly, the evaluation is carried out on a regular basis after each increment. This regular and continuous measurement of success contributes several advantages, including greater commitment and involvement from the customer and a higher level of mutual trust between the supplier and the customer; and thus leads to better knowledge sharing and reduced task uncertainty. The reduction of task uncertainty provides more predictability about the direction of the project and better grounds for change control; not least, it allows room to consider multiple and subjective assessments by various stakeholders. Secondly, there is a stronger emphasis on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is measured in terms of how quickly the customer obtains value from the project. The continuous assessment of success at the end of each iteration also has a significant, positive impact on the customer’s evaluation of the project outcome.

      Keywords:success criteria, agile projects, suppliers, qualitative study

| Volume 04 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 4 No. 1
    [2016] João Varajão

  • | Developing and enforcing internal information systems standards: InduMaker’s Standards Management Process
    [2016] Claudia Loebbecke, Bernhard Thomas

    • Abstract: It is widely agreed that standards provide numerous benefits when available and enforced. Company-internal Information Systems (IS) management procedures and solutions, in the following coined IS ‘standards’, allow for harmonizing operations between company units, locations and even different service providers. However, many companies lack an organized process for defining and managing internal IS standards, which causes uncertainties and delays in decision making, planning, and design processes. In this case study of the globally operating InduMaker (anonymized company name), an established manufacturing supplier, we look into the company-internal management of IS standards. Theoretically grounded in the organizational and IS-focused literature on business process modelling and business process commoditization, we describe and investigate InduMaker’s newly developed Standard Management Process (SMP) for defining and managing company-internal business and IS standards, with which the multinational pursues offering clear answers to business and IT departments about existing IS standards, their degree of obligation, applicability, and scope at any time.

      Keywords:information systems, standards process, standards management, project management, practice case

  • | A new approach to managing Lessons Learned in PMBoK process groups: the Ballistic 2.0 Model
    [2016] Marcirio Chaves, Cíntia Araújo, Laura Teixeira, Debora Rosa

    • Abstract: In any organization, dealing with lessons learned is a complex issue that involves people, processes and technologies. Although lessons learned processes are already well established in the project management community, the use of modern web technologies to support them is still in its infancy. This paper introduces a new model to manage lessons learned in PMBoK process groups. This model draws upon interdisciplinary literature, which embeds lessons learned processes, shared context and Web 2.0 service models. The model is supported by Web 2.0 technologies and centered in PMBoK process groups to allow a thorough overview of the project. An exploratory focus group was set up to validate the model qualitatively within a constructivist ontology and an interpretive epistemology. The adoption of this model can help academics and practitioners using PMBoK process groups to acquire a better understanding of managing lessons learned in projects.

      Keywords:IT Project Management, PMBoK, Knowledge Management, Lessons Learned, Web 2.0 Technologies

  • | Adoption of web-based group decision support systems: experiences from the field and future developments
    [2016] Jos van Hillegersberg, Sebastiaan Koenen

    • Abstract: While organizations have massively adopted enterprise information systems to support business processes, business meetings in which key decisions are made about products, services and processes, are usually held without much support of information systems. This is remarkable as group decision support systems (GDSS) seems to fit for this purpose. They have existed for decades and modern versions benefit of web-based technologies, enabling low cost any-place, any time and device independent meeting support. In this exploratory case research, we study nine organizations in four different adoption categories to learn more about the reasons for the relatively slow adoption of web-based GDSS. Using the Fit-Viability adoption framework we conduct interviews with organizations that have experience with using GDSS. We conclude that adopting GDSS requires considerable and carefully planned change of processes that are deeply grounded in the organization. Existing meeting routines need to be adapted. Introduction needs to be carefully planned and room for face-to-face meetings and creativity sessions away from the keyboard need to be built in depending on the type of meeting. Not all companies find the cost level affordable. Clear and convincing business cases are lacking. Still the added value is ranked highly and there are frequent and enthusiastic user organizations that may lead the way for others. Their success stories show others how to mitigate problems.

      Keywords:adoption, group decision support systems, collaboration, meeting support systems, GDSS, implementation

  • | Managing project interdependencies in IT/IS project portfolios: a review of managerial issues
    [2016] Sameer Bathallath, Åsa Smedberg, Harald Kjellin

    • Abstract: Adequately managing project interdependencies among diverse and simultaneous projects is deemed critical for successful implementation of project portfolios. The challenge is significant because it may entail managing a complex network of project interdependencies that keeps changing over time. The present study investigates the managerial challenges that may undermine effective management of project interdependencies in IT/IS project portfolios. The investigation is based on evidence from reviewing relevant literature and documented studies associated with managing project interdependencies. The main contribution of this study is to discuss three managerial challenges of project interdependencies in project portfolios. We discuss the challenges from three perspectives: types of interdependencies; patterns of interaction in interdependencies; and cost/benefit impact of project interdependencies.

      Keywords:project portfolio management, project interdependencies, project interdependencies management, project management, IT projects, complexity

| Volume 03 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 3 No. 4
    [2015] João Varajão

  • | Information system conflicts: causes and types
    [2015] Albert Boonstra, Jan de Vries

    • Abstract: Conflicts are an inherent part of organizational life and managers deal with confrontations and conflicts on an almost daily basis. Information Systems (IS) implementations are a type of change that often leads to open or hidden conflicts. Managers and others involved can only deal with such conflicts effectively if they understand the nature and causes of information system conflicts (IS conflicts). To contribute to such an understanding, this study focuses on the analysis of IS conflicts. In so doing, it aims to identify various types of IS conflicts and to develop a framework that can be helpful in assessing these conflicts. To this end, we have conducted a meta-ethnographic study – that is, we synthesized earlier case studies in which IS conflicts are described. We purposefully selected 11 descriptions of IS conflicts and we analyzed the topics, contexts, and processes of these conflicts. Based on this analysis, we propose a two-dimensional framework of IS conflicts that leads to a categorization involving four IS conflict types: task; implementation process; structure; and value conflicts. Based on the conflicts that were studied, this paper also reveals that, in reality, many IS conflicts have a hybrid form and develop from one type to another over time.

      Keywords:IS implementation, conflict, conflict types, resistance, meta-ethnography

  • | Towards holistic goal centered performance management in software development: lessons from a best practice analysis
    [2015] Thomas Murphy, Kathryn Cormican

    • Abstract: There are strong motivating factors for more effective performance measurement practices in software development. Astute practices in this domain are lauded to improve efficiency and effectiveness. However previous studies have shown that measurement in software is intricate, complex and fraught with challenges. Consequently it is poorly managed in practice. Our research seeks to better understand performance management in a real world software development setting in order to identify the challenges and generate a roadmap for improvement. This paper presents findings from an inductive analysis of a radical measurement program in a global software organization. Our study investigates the level at which non-compliance with best practice can explain the company’s disappointing results. We found that a narrow focus on projects, rather than on organizational goals, has seriously hindered its success. We also found that the rate of change in the organization as a whole was impinging on the effective implementation of its measurement program. An analysis of the results demonstrates just how challenging software measurement is. The findings provide an evaluation of best practice relative to the literature that is informed by real industry experience.

      Keywords:software measurement, metrics, best practice, project management, challenges, non-compliance

  • | Why advertise the obvious? Learning outcomes from analyzing advertisements for recruitment of Swedish IS/IT project managers
    [2015] Leif Marcusson, Siw Lundqvist

    • Abstract: When Swedish employers advertise for IS/IT project managers they tend to list almost obvious qualification requirements instead of describing those that are unique for their companies’ competitiveness, or more precisely, instead of expressing those that really matters. The research behind this paper studied job advertisements during four years (2010–2013). The findings point to an inadequate ability to understand and/or express the requirements that should be decisive for the appointment in order to grasp the essence of what the job actually involves, which brings on problems for both the applicants and the employers. The practical implications of the study pursue a need for employers to stop advertising mostly general requirements for the benefit of more specified ones, that take the sector’s, the organization’s and the project’s requirements into consideration. By doing so, the prospect applicants have a better opportunity to understand what a certain job entails and the employers have a better chance to appoint the right individual. The research implications point to a need for acknowledging, and set about solving, problems concerning qualification requirements in advertisements for IS/IT project managers.

      Keywords:appointment, recruitment, IT/IS, project managers, competence, professionalization

| Volume 03 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 3 No. 3
    [2015] João Varajão

  • | Addressing consumerization of IT risks with nudging
    [2015] Iryna Yevseyeva, James Turland, Charles Morisset, Lynne Coventry

    • Abstract: In this work we address the main issues of Information Technology (IT) consumerization that are related to security risks, and vulnerabilities of devices used within Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy in particular. We propose a ‘soft’ mitigation strategy for user actions based on nudging, widely applied to health and social behavior influence. In particular, we propose a complementary, less strict, more flexible Information Security policies, based on risk assessment of device vulnerabilities and threats to corporate data and devices, combined with a strategy of influencing security behavior by nudging. We argue that nudging, by taking into account the context of the decision-making environment, and the fact that the employee may be in better position to make a more appropriate decision, may be more suitable than strict policies in situations of uncertainty of security-related decisions. Several examples of nudging are considered for different tested and potential scenarios in security context.

      Keywords:consumerization, security, risks, mitigation strategies, nudging

  • | Development and assessment of an instrument to measure equivocal situation and its causes in IS/IT project evaluation
    [2015] Arviansyah ., Ton Spil, Jos van Hillegersberg

    • Abstract: Project evaluations are vital for organizations to manage and balance the costs and benefits of their IS/IT investment. Despite the importance of project evaluations, equivocal situation may limit the effectiveness of an evaluation and hinder decision-makers in generating purposeful resolutions. There is a dearth of empirical studies with regard to equivocal situation, which this study addresses by developing and measuring a construct of an equivocal situation and its causes. The equivocal situation construct is derived from the notion of equivocality and its causes are extracted from the extant literature. The developed constructs are subjected to empirical validation through Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis by employing the data collected from knowledge professionals in IS/IT project management. The developed instrument provides a firm foundation for future studies of equivocality in IS/IT project evaluation.

      Keywords:evaluation, equivocality, information system/technology projects, measurement, instrument, assessment

  • | SOA enabled ELTA: approach in designing business intelligence solutions in Era of Big Data
    [2015] Viktor Dmitriyev, Tariq Mahmoud, Pablo Michel Marín-Ortega

    • Abstract: The current work presents a new approach for designing business intelligence solutions. In the Era of Big Data, former and robust analytical concepts and utilities need to adapt themselves to the changed market circumstances. The main focus of this work is to address the acceleration of building process of a “data-centric” Business Intelligence (BI) solution besides preparing BI solutions for Big Data utilization. This research addresses the following goals: reducing the time spent during business intelligence solution’s design phase; achieving flexibility of BI solution by adding new data sources; and preparing BI solution for utilizing Big Data concepts. This research proposes an extension of the existing Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) approach to the new one Extract, Load, Transform and Analyze (ELTA) supported by service-orientation concept. Additionally, the proposed model incorporates Service-Oriented Architecture concept as a mediator for the transformation phase. On one side, such incorporation brings flexibility to the BI solution and on the other side; it reduces the complexity of the whole system by moving some responsibilities to external authorities.

      Keywords:Big Data, Business Intelligence, BI, ETL, ELT, SOA

| Volume 03 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 3 No. 2
    [2015] João Varajão

  • | The ERP post-implementation stage: a knowledge transfer challenge
    [2015] Sylvain Goyette, Luc Cassivi, Mathieu Courchesne, Elie Elia

    • Abstract: This paper examines the knowledge transfer process in ERP post-implementation projects, and specifically between the ERP project teams and the IT support team. Case studies were conducted in three large organizations and data was collected via semi-structured interviews. Descriptive and graphical representations were used to analyze knowledge transfer processes for each case and a cross-case analysis was performed. Results from this exploratory study shed light on the relation between the ERP evolution structure and the use of knowledge transfer mechanisms based on different types of knowledge (functional and technical). This paper highlights the necessity of relying on both formal and informal knowledge transfer mechanisms to cover recurring and ad hoc exchanges between the different stakeholders responsible for the evolution of an ERP. The paper also highlights the impact of the ERP integrator and its different inclusion strategies that are critical for the knowledge being shared by the ERP project stakeholders.

      Keywords:ERP, project management, knowledge transfer, post-implementation

  • | Distributed team cohesion – not an oxymoron. The impact of information and communications technologies on teamness in globally distributed IT projects
    [2015] Olga Stawnicza

    • Abstract: Globally distributed IT projects are common practice in today’s globalized world. Typically, project team members’ work on interdependent tasks, with a common goal to be achieved as one team. However, being split between multiple locations impedes communication among team members and hampers the development of trust. Information and communications media enable communication between geographically distributed project team members and help to create and maintain trust within project units. Communication and trust are particularly significant for fostering a feeling of oneness among project team members. Oneness, also referred to as “teamness”, is repeatedly mentioned as one of the challenges facing global project teams. However, prior literature on teamness is very scarce and its importance is underrepresented. This research contributes to the field in two ways. First, the theoretical study based on a systematic literature review examines available evidence of teamness in globally distributed projects. Secondly, an empirical study based on interviews conducted with global project managers fills the current gap in literature on the link between use of ICT and establishing a sense of team unity. This paper draws practitioners’ attention to the importance of striving for teamness in spite of the geographical distance that exists between project team members.

      Keywords:information and communications technologies, teamness, oneness, team cohesion, global project management, distributed IT project team

  • | The use of Game Theory to solve conflicts in the project management and construction industry
    [2015] José Ramón San Cristóbal

    • Abstract: A typical construction project involves a wide range of disparate professionals, in many cases geographically distributed, working together for a relatively short period of time on the design and construction of a facility. Since organizations are becoming flatter, culturally rich, geographically diverse and intensely competitive, the possibilities for conflict in such environments are greater. Negotiation is an important aspect of a project and plays an important role in resolving claims, preventing disputes, and keeping a harmonious relationship between project participants. Part of any project manager’s role as a leader is to recognize conflict, understand the sources of conflict and manage it, and to do this a project manager must be able to understand the basics of negotiation theory and have sufficient competencies to lead in such situations. To address the complex technical and human issues in negotiation, different negotiation theories and models are available which mainly include game theory, economic theory, and behavior theory. Since Game Theory provides, by its very nature, the appropriate tools for the analysis and eventual solution of conflicts of any kind, this paper uses a model based on Game Theory in order to identify the activities that are responsible for the delays in a project and divide the costs among them.

      Keywords:project management, conflict, negotiation, Game Theory

| Volume 03 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 3 No. 1
    [2015] João Varajão

  • | Business process improvement by means of Big Data based Decision Support Systems: a case study on Call Centers
    [2015] Alejandro Vera-Baquero, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Owen Molloy, Mahmoud Elbattah

    • Abstract: Big Data is a rapidly evolving and maturing field which places significant data storage and processing power at our disposal. To take advantage of this power, we need to create new means of collecting and processing large volumes of data at high speed. Meanwhile, as companies and organizations, such as health services, realize the importance and value of "joined-up thinking" across supply chains and healthcare pathways, for example, this creates a demand for a new type of approach to Business Activity Monitoring and Management. This new approach requires Big Data solutions to cope with the volume and speed of transactions across global supply chains. In this paper we describe a methodology and framework to leverage Big Data and Analytics to deliver a Decision Support framework to support Business Process Improvement, using near real-time process analytics in a decision-support environment. The system supports the capture and analysis of hierarchical process data, allowing analysis to take place at different organizational and process levels. Individual business units can perform their own process monitoring. An event-correlation mechanism is built into the system, allowing the monitoring of individual process instances or paths.

      Keywords:business process improvement, Big Data, Decision Support Systems, processes

  • | An overview of patient acceptance of Health Information Technology in developing countries: a review and conceptual model
    [2015] Abd Ahlan, Barroon Ahmad

    • Abstract: The potential to improve the quality, efficiency, outcomes, patient safety and reduce cost of healthcare by Health Information Technology (HIT) has been established by researchers. But unfortunately HIT systems are not properly utilized or are not widely available. This problem is even more glaring in developing countries. This article presents a review of some available HIT systems in order to assess the level of their presence and the technology used in developing them. Works related to acceptance of HIT systems were also reviewed so as to study the gaps in this area and propose a solution in order to fill the gaps identified. The problems discovered from this review include lack of availability of these systems especially in developing countries, low rate of HIT systems acceptance and insufficient works on patient acceptance of HIT systems. Studying the factors that affect the acceptance of HIT systems by patients and considering the factors while developing the systems will play a significant role in getting over the aforementioned limitations. As Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the most popular models for studying users' perception and acceptance of Information System (IS)/Information Technology (IT), we proposed a conceptual model of HIT acceptance in developing countries based on TAM.

      Keywords:Health Information Technology, Technology Acceptance Model, User Acceptance, Electronic Health Record, Clinical Decision Support System

  • | Defining Building Information Modeling implementation activities based on capability maturity evaluation: a theoretical model
    [2015] Romain Morlhon, Robert Pellerin, Mario Bourgault

    • Abstract: Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a widely accepted tool to overcome the many hurdles that currently face the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industries. However, implementing such a system is always complex and the recent introduction of BIM does not allow organizations to build their experience on acknowledged standards and procedures. Moreover, data on implementation projects is still disseminated and fragmentary. The objective of this study is to develop an assistance model for BIM implementation. Solutions that are proposed will help develop BIM that is better integrated and better used, and take into account the different maturity levels of each organization. Indeed, based on Critical Success Factors, concrete activities that help in implementation are identified and can be undertaken according to the previous maturity evaluation of an organization. The result of this research consists of a structured model linking maturity, success factors and actions, which operates on the following principle: once an organization has assessed its BIM maturity, it can identify various weaknesses and find relevant answers in the success factors and the associated actions.

      Keywords:Building Information System, project management, Critical Success Factors, information systems, maturity

| Volume 02 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 2 No. 4
    [2014] João Varajão

  • | Managing enterprise information: meeting performance and conformance objectives in a changing information environment
    [2014] Susan Williams, Verena Hausmann, Catherine Hardy, Petra Schubert

    • Abstract: This paper presents the findings of an in-depth survey to examine the current status of enterprise information management (EIM) in organizations. The survey explores five key areas: drivers and capabilities of EIM; current status of EIM strategies; EIM content and technologies; EIM and compliance; and the changing role of the information professional. The survey reveals that the drivers for EIM cannot be simply reduced to a series of technical or organizational needs and that EIM is a complex sociotechnical phenomenon. A fine balance is required to achieve business performance objectives whilst at the same time also meeting conformance requirements. To date, few organizations have implemented enterprise-wide EIM strategies; however those who do have them are better able to keep track of, and achieve, performance objectives. In terms of technologies and content the landscape is complex with organizations focusing their efforts into managing and reducing this complexity. Finally information management work is changing; the survey reveals EIM as a multi-stakeholder activity requiring the combination of a wide range of professional groups, skills and knowledge. The survey findings provide the basis for further research investigations in supporting organization in their EIM initiatives.

      Keywords:Enterprise Information Management (EIM), information capability, compliance, strategy

  • | Governance challenges in temporary organizations: a case of evolution and representations
    [2014] Magali Simard, Danielle Laberge

    • Abstract: According to the literature, formal project governance often stops at the steering committee, which is also identified as the main link between the permanent and temporary organizations. Generally, top managers play an active role as sponsors in this committee until the project is approved and launched. Afterwards, the project execution is usually delegated, enabling middle managers to participate in strategy operationalization. As such, they are likely to take part in the project governance and its operationalization. In this study, we are especially interested in the governance zone reporting to the steering committee. Within this zone, formal and informal governance is intertwined, and there is likely to be considerable overlap with the permanent organization. Our study focuses on a specific liaison device within this zone: the Project Coordination Committee, which has rarely been studied. We explore how project governance evolves and is represented by project participants. Our results show a surprising diversity in participants’ representations. This allows us to identify a number of conclusions that go beyond the governance form issues and relate to the complexity of this governance zone and its influence on the disruptions between permanent and temporary governance structures within a large organization.

      Keywords:project governance, temporary organization, project coordination committee, sensemaking, project coordination

  • | Sourcing strategies to keep up with competition: the case of SAP
    [2014] Michelle Antero, Jonas Hedman, Stefan Henningsson

    • Abstract: This paper applies the Red Queen theory to explain how organizations utilize various sourcing arrangements in order to compete in an evolutionary arms race where only the strongest competitors will survive. The case study incorporates competition, and views sourcing strategies as a means to improve the firm’s viability to survive competition in the marketplace. The study begins by positioning the Red Queen theory within the sourcing literature. It subsequently applies the framework to a case study of SAP AG to illustrate how sourcing strategies have changed over time in response to the logic of competition. The case study reveals that (a) organizations are adaptive systems and capable of learning to make strategic changes pertaining to sourcing arrangements; (b) organizations select the terms on which they want to compete by developing certain capabilities within the firm; (c) organizations are reflexive and over time develop competitive hysteresis which allows them to become stronger competitors. In the case of SAP AG, various sourcing arrangements were selected over its 40-year history to respond to technological and market changes.

      Keywords:ERP vendor, sourcing strategies, Red Queen Theory, SAP

| Volume 02 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 2 No. 3
    [2014] João Varajão

  • | Best practice project management: an analysis of the front end of the innovation process in the medical technology industry
    [2014] Tracey Giles, Kathryn Cormican

    • Abstract: There are strong motivating factors for more effective project management practices at the front end of the innovation (FEI) process. Shrewd management of these pre-development activities has proven to be one of the greatest differentials for success. This study presents findings from an empirical case study analysis of a large organization operating in the medical technology industry in Ireland. We synthesized the literature to identify five critical success factors (CSFs) known to be effective in the successful management of the FEI process. From this analysis an instrument to assess best practices was developed. Data was collected from 66 engineers in the R&D discipline. The findings of the study show that the organization’s FEI phase aligns well with best practice. However, a difference between the level of agreement about the extent to which the critical success factors are in place in the organization and the level of importance placed on these practices emerged. This paper contributes to knowledge by (a) assessing the relative importance of critical success factors for the FEI in the medical technology industry, (b) examining whether these initiatives are implemented in practice and, if so, to what extent, and (c) providing a series of recommendations to help bridge the gap from theory to practice.

      Keywords:critical success factors, best practice, empirical analysis, medical technology industry

  • | A catalog of information systems outsourcing risks
    [2014] Filipe Sá-Soares, Delfina Soares, José Arnaud

    • Abstract: Information systems outsourcing risks are a vital component in the decision and management process associated to the provision of information systems and technology services by a provider to a customer. Although there is a rich literature on information systems outsourcing risks, the accumulated knowledge on this area is fragmented. In view of this situation, an argument is put forward on the usefulness of having a theory that integrates the various constructs related to information systems outsourcing risks. This study aims to contribute towards the synthesis of that theory, by proposing a conceptual framework for interpreting the literature and presenting a catalog of information systems outsourcing risks. The conceptual framework articulates together six key risk elements, namely dangers, negative outcomes, undesirable consequences, factors and mitigation actions. The catalog condenses and categorizes the information systems outsourcing risk elements found on the literature reviewed, both from the perspective of the outsourcing customer and from the perspective of the outsourcing provider. Proposals for subsequent work towards the generation of the theory of information systems outsourcing risk are suggested.

      Keywords:information systems outsourcing, risk, theory

  • | Resource allocation in IT projects: using schedule optimization
    [2014] Michael Chilton

    • Abstract: Resource allocation is the process of assigning resources to tasks throughout the life of a project. Despite sophisticated software packages devoted to keeping track of tasks, resources and resource assignments, it is often the case that project managers find some resources over-allocated and therefore unable to complete the assigned work in the allotted amount of time. Most scheduling software has provisions for leveling resources, but the techniques for doing so simply add time to the schedule and may cause delays in tasks that are critical to the project in meeting deadlines. This paper presents a software application that ensures that resources are properly balanced at the beginning of the project and eliminates the situation in which resources become over-allocated. It can be used in a multi-project environment and reused throughout the project as tasks, resource assignments and availability, and the project scope change. The application utilizes the bounded enumeration technique to formulate an optimal schedule for which both the task sequence and resource availability are taken into account. It is run on a database server to reduce the running time and make it a viable application for practitioners.

      Keywords:project management, optimization, resource allocation, bounded enumeration

| Volume 02 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 2 No. 2
    [2014] João Varajão

  • | Ladder to Success – Eliciting Project Managers’ Perceptions of IS Project Success Criteria
    [2014] Oleg Pankratz, Dirk Basten

    • Abstract: The traditional approach to assess information system (IS) project success is adherence to planning (ATP) – meeting budget, schedule, and requirements targets. Today, scholars agree that ATP is insufficient to adequately assess IS project success, but an agreed-on set of success criteria is still missing. Many works on this topic are based on theoretical considerations rather than empirical inquiries. We analyze practitioners’ subjective perspectives by investigating what criteria IS project managers consider relevant for IS project success assessment. We interview eleven experienced project managers in Germany, applying Repertory Grid and Laddering to minimize potential biases. Our results yield eight success criteria, indicating that criteria like process efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction must be considered in addition to ATP. Scholars can use our findings to apply the identified success criteria in future studies. Practitioners gain insights into the expert perspective on project success and might rethink the way of assessing success in their projects.

      Keywords:information systems, project success criteria, project management, Repertory Grid, laddering

  • | The path towards discovering PMO: an exploratory analysis of the Italian banking sector
    [2014] Federica Pansini, Mariya Terzieva, Vincenzo Morabito

    • Abstract: Directly acting on Project Management practices, PMO provides companies with help to innovate, reaching competitive advantage and growth in the long run, ceteris paribus, and attempts to reduce uncertainty. Even though PMO is a more consolidated practice in some countries, the phenomenon has lately been introduced in Italy, and it is still evolving. Not all organizations and not all individuals clearly understand the potential of PMO, and its role is often limited to simple Project Management in its strict meaning, while areas for improvement are many and varied. The paper analyses the status of PMO through a survey conducted inside the Italian banking sector, trying to frame the role of PMO, throwing light on its importance for a company as a whole, and not just for a single project. A discussion of the results and future work concludes the paper.

      Keywords:PMO, uncertainty, innovation, implementation, impacts, benefits

  • | Developing business advantages from the technological possibilities of enterprise information systems
    [2014] Luay Anaya

    • Abstract: Organizations are increasingly implementing Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in particular. Despite the notable studies on the advantages of an EIS, many organizations are not satisfied with the benefits or advantages gained. At the same time, it is assumed that such systems with increasing innovations and technological enhancements would generate abundant business advantages, if organizations exploited these opportunities. The investigation in this work drew on the sociomateriality perspective, using imbrication notion, and focused on a telecomm case study to examine how organizations can exploit the technological possibilities of an EIS to create business benefits. The study findings suggest that business benefits can be achieved when the EIS as a technical system is interwoven with the organizational work in which both dynamically change in practice (not from the technical features of the system), when the system provides interesting and beneficial technological possibilities that attract organizations, and when the firm has the organizational capabilities to translate these possibilities into real business benefits.

      Keywords:enterprise information systems (EIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), sociomateriality, imbrication, technological possibilities

| Volume 02 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 2 No. 1
    [2014] João Varajão

  • | Sourcing motives behind sourcing decisions exposed through the Sourcing Decision Framework
    [2014] Mirella Muhic, Björn Johansson

    • Abstract: There is no doubt that information systems (IS) are the backbone of today’s organizations. Having an initial inspection on sourcing motives in the financial sector it can be stated that resources used in development of information systems (IS) are seen as an important factor for sustained competitive advantage. However, it can be claimed that it depends to a high extent on the application of different sourcing modes. This leads us to a closer inspection on sourcing motives through selected case studies and the following research question: How can motives for sourcing options of IS-development be explained? The empirical investigation on sourcing decisions and the motives behind, in addition to a literature review on sourcing decisions and sourcing options ends in four propositions. These propositions are then used in tandem with the findings from the empirical data for initial development of the Sourcing Decision Framework (SDF). Ultimately, what is at stake here is our framework (SDF) that from the initial development and the first test has shown to be purposive and could be further developed to a useful framework for analyzing sourcing decisions and as a guiding tool for decision-makers when deciding on sourcing options for IS-development.

      Keywords:IS-sourcing, IS-development, Resource Based View, RBV, sustained competitive advantage, strategic value

  • | Social relationships in IT project teams: its role, complexity and the management thereof
    [2014] Awie Leonard, Dawie Zyl

    • Abstract: Compared to other projects, information technology (IT) projects, characterized by emergency and uncertainty, are unique. To implement an IT project successfully, many aspects need to be monitored and carefully controlled and managed. One such aspect is social relationships. All IT professionals are exposed to, and in many cases involved, in the phenomenon of social relationships. These relationships are used by software project team members for personal as well as professional purposes. In most cases the impact of these relationships on the success or failure of any given IT project is ignored by IT management. Little attention is given thereto in the literature and this paper attempts to make a contribution in terms of giving a broad perspective of the complexity, the impact, as well as the management of such relationships. This paper demonstrates that these relationships play a significant role and should be managed in such a way that the team members and the project as a whole can reap the benefits thereof. A conceptual framework is proposed for the management of these relationships.

      Keywords:project teams, social relationships, social networks, communication, grounded theory

  • | Business alignment in the procurement domain: a study of antecedents and determinants of supply chain performance
    [2014] Patrick Mikalef, Adamantia Pateli, Ronald Batenburg, Rogier Wetering

    • Abstract: With organizations now placing an increasing amount on attention on the management of their supply chain activities, the role of Information Technology (IT) in supporting these operations has been put in the spotlight. In spite of extensive research examining how IT can be employed in various activities of supply chain management, the majority of studies are limited in identifying enablers and inhibitors of adoption. Empirical studies examining post-adoption conditions that facilitate performance improvement still remain scarce. In this study we focus on procurement as part of the supply chain management activities. We apply the business-IT alignment perspective to the domain of procurement, and examine how certain organizational factors impact the attainment of this state. Additionally, we research the effect that procurement alignment has on supply chain management performance. In order to do so, we apply Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis on a sample of 172 European companies. We find that firms that opt for a centralized governance structure, as well as larger firms, are more likely to attain a state of procurement alignment. Furthermore, our results empirically support the statement that procurement alignment is positively correlated with operational efficiency and competitive performance of the supply chain.

      Keywords:business-IT alignment, SCM performance, empirical analysis, governance structure, firm size, e-procurement

| Volume 01 | Number 4

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 1 No. 4
    [2013] João Varajão

  • | Identifying useful project management practices: A mixed methodology approach
    [2013] Gabriela Fernandes, Stephen Ward, Madalena Araújo

    • Abstract: This paper describes a mixed methodological research approach for identifying practitioner perceptions of the most useful project management (PM) practices to improve project management performance. By identifying the perceived most useful tools and techniques, as having the most potential for increased contribution to project management performance, practitioners and organizations can select their priorities when improving PM practices. The research involved a programme of thirty interviews with Project Management professionals in Portugal, followed by a global survey. Completed questionnaires were received from 793 practitioners worldwide, covering 75 different countries. The results showed that the top twenty of the list of the most useful tools and techniques is composed of very well-known and widely used tools, such as: progress report; requirements analysis; progress meetings; risk identification; and project scope statement. PM practices in the top of list cover the overall PM life cycle from initiation to project closing, but particular relevance is given to tools and techniques from planning. The areas of knowledge, scope, time, risk, communication and integration, assume a high relevance, each with at least three PM practices on the top of the list.

      Keywords:project management practices, tools and techniques project, project management performance

  • | TAM-based external factors related to ERP solutions acceptance in organizations
    [2013] Simona Zabukovsek, Samo Bobek

    • Abstract: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ERP solutions use, understanding of critical success factors of ERP solutions assimilation in organizations is crucial. The technology acceptance model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1989) has been the most widely used model for researching user acceptance and usage of IT/IS. The purpose of this paper is to extend the original TAM with groups of external factors which impact actual ERP system use. First, we focus on ERP system use in companies’ maturity phase. Second, we expose and examine three groups of external factors which influence ERP usage. The model was empirically tested using data collected from a survey of ERP users in 44 organizations. Survey data have been collected from ERP users who have been exposed to an ERP system which has operated for more than one year. The proposed research model was analyzed using the PLS approach.

      Keywords:Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Partial Least Squares (PLS), maturity model, work compatibility

  • | Review of corporate digital divide research: A decadal analysis (2003-2012)
    [2013] Mirjana Bach, Jovana Zoroja, Vesna Vukšić

    • Abstract: The digital divide (DD) refers to the gap between individuals, companies, regions and countries in accessing and using the information and communication technology (ICT). DD research is mainly oriented towards detection of differences in the ICT use among individuals. An important part of DD research refers to the differences in ICT adoption and use among corporations. The goal of this paper is to present a review of published papers on DD among corporations. Papers from the journals indexed in SSCI that investigate corporate DD were examined in order to compare the research on corporate DD in terms of: (1) geographical area, time frame of the study, sampled corporations; (2) phenomena used as the indicators/measure of DD, inequality type, ICT adoption cycle, determinants of DD; and (3) data collection approach, data sources, sample size and methodology used for investigation of DD determinants.

      Keywords:digital divide, corporations, ICT, review, adoption

| Volume 01 | Number 3

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 1 No. 3
    [2013] João Varajão

  • | Project characteristics, project management software utilization and project performance: an impact analysis based on real project data
    [2013] Robert Pellerin, Nathalie Perrier, Xavier Guillot, Pierre-Majorique Léger

    • Abstract: Project management software packages are increasingly used by companies. These tools require a substantial financial investment, hence the importance of identifying the real contribution of project management software packages to the realization of projects. However, studies on the impacts of software packages on the performance of engineering project management are rare and mostly based on perceptions. The objective of this study is to investigate, from real project data, the level of utilization of a project management software package, developed by an engineering construction firm recognized internationally, and its link with project performance and project characteristics. Results stemming from non-parametric tests and correlation analyses show that the level of use of the software, and some of its subsystems, appears to be linked to project performance. Project duration also seems to be the most critical project characteristic.

      Keywords:project management software, information technology, information systems, systems utilization, project performance

  • | Scorecard and KPIs for monitoring software factories effectiveness in the financial sector
    [2013] Vicente Montequín, César Pérez, Francisco Fernández, Joaquín Balsera

    • Abstract: Financial corporations and especially banking institutions have important needs concerning to the development of software around their business core. The software, that traditionally had been developed in house by the IT departments, is now usually outsourced to IT firms. These firms work under the software factories model. An important feature within this sector is that usually the financial groups keep the ownership of these firms because the strategic value of the software for the core business. These firms work almost exclusively for the owner financial group developing their software, but they have to demonstrate that they are so profitable and competitive like any other firm. The organizational structure of these firms has some differential features. Top level tasks (software design and project management) are usually performed by the IT firm but the development is usually subcontracted to other software companies. Although financial corporations have always paid a special interest to investing in management and organizational policies to improve their efficiency, there have being always an important lack regarding to the control and monitoring of the software projects. They do not have suitable tools for monitoring actual process effectiveness. Adapting scorecards to this environment could be a useful tool for monitoring and improvement the process. Scorecard could here be used both as a tool for internal effectiveness measurement as well as externally, presenting sustainability indicators for the shareholders, the financial institutions. This paper aims to identify and define a collection of Key Performance Indicators which permit effectiveness to be improved under this context, focusing in the specific supply-chain model given by owner (financial group), software factory and software developers (subcontracted).

      Keywords:Software Factory, financial software development, Balanced Scorecard, KPIs, efficiency

  • | A tale behind Mum Effect
    [2013] Sakgasit Ramingwong, Lachana Ramingwong

    • Abstract: Mum effect is a situation when one or more project stakeholders decide to withhold critical information for particular reasons. In software project where most of the production is intangible, the seriousness of this challenge increases exponentially. There have been reports indicating that mum effect can surface during any phase of development and ultimately lead to disaster in software projects. Mum effect can be influenced by several factors such as organizational and national cultures. This research investigates potential mum effect scenarios and reveals specific reasons which induce this challenge among information technology practitioners.

      Keywords:project management, outsourcing risk management, culture, mum effect, interview

| Volume 01 | Number 2

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 1 No. 2
    [2013] João Varajão

  • | ERP adoption cost factors identification and classification: a study in SMEs
    [2013] Moutaz Haddara, Ahmed Elragal

    • Abstract: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems adoptions require substantial resources and investments. The majority of businesses around the globe can be considered to be small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Thus, SMEs are seen to be typical companies that are the cornerstone of most economies. Compared with large enterprises, an SME-context contains several characteristics, and scarcity of resources is among the top of them. For SMEs, unplanned costs escalation could pose a serious threat to their stability and survival in the market. Frequently, ERP projects have crossed their estimated budgets and schedules. Researchers and practitioners state that a prevailing number of ERP adoption projects fail due to inaccurate or to too optimistic budgets/schedules. In addition, many organizations face difficulties in identifying the potential cost factors that could occur during their ERP adoption lifecycle. While focusing on the SME-context, this research attempts to identify potential costs that could occur in ERP adoptions. The research method employed in this study targeted diverse stakeholders and experts involved in ERP projects in Egypt. This research provides a list of cost factors and their classifications that could aid adopting organizations to better estimate their needed ERP project budgets. In particular, this research explores the direct and indirect cost factors that occur in ERP adoptions in Egyptian SMEs. Also, this study investigates the influence of some SME-specific contextual factors on costs. Moreover, the paper provides a ranking of cost factors according to their impact on total adoption costs.

      Keywords:ERP, cost identification, SME, expert panel

  • | ERP systems: aspects of selection, implementation and sustainable operations
    [2013] Torsten Munkelt, Sven Völker

    • Abstract: This paper gives recommendations for selecting, implementing and sustainably operating ERP systems. We indicate special aspects which are important from our point of view. The paper addresses practitioners who are responsible for ERP systems, especially IT and project managers. The structure of the paper matches the three main phases of an ERP system’s lifecycle within an enterprise: selection, implementation and operations. General process models are given for selection and implementation of ERP systems. Our suggestions stretch from project management, business process reengineering, system selection criteria, reporting and customizing to choosing key users, data migration, and user training. Operations of ERP systems are commented according to the views defined by the ARIS concept. We are focusing on organizational issues, but give also remarks on business process maintenance, exploitation of ERP functions, and data management. While other publications give rather general advice, recommendations in this paper are selected to be use-oriented and easy to apply. The recommendations do not depend on any particular ERP system.

      Keywords:ERP system selection, ERP implementation, ERP system operations, ERP system maintenance

  • | An Enterprise 2.0 project management approach to facilitate participation, transparency, and communication
    [2013] Andreas Auinger, Dietmar Nedbal, Alexander Hochmeier

    • Abstract: The use of current interactive and collaborative Web 2.0 concepts and technologies has great potential for flexible, loosely-coupled integration and ad-hoc information exchange within and between organizations. However, stakeholders’ readiness, willingness and ability to participate need to be continuously factored in. The successful implementation of common strategies, systems and processes in the course of Enterprise 2.0 projects is crucial. To increase the probability of success and to enhance the intensity of cooperation and trust in such projects, the constructs of transparency, communication and participation need to be addressed through an integrated project methodology. To bridge the gap between existing scientific models and requirements for Enterprise 2.0 projects, this paper proposes and describes a project methodology to support the main objectives for Enterprise 2.0 implementations. Selected results from two pilot projects within Austrian companies are presented and matched with critical success factors, which are derived from the literature. These provide elaborative insights into key characteristics of certain Enterprise 2.0 tools and project management for Enterprise 2.0 projects.

      Keywords:social enterprise, enterprise 2.0, project management methodology

| Volume 01 | Number 1

  • | IJISPM Editorial Vol. 1 No. 1
    [2013] João Varajão

  • | Getting the balance right between functional and non-functional requirements: the case of requirement specification in IT procurement
    [2013] Björn Johansson, Markus Lahtinen

    • Abstract: IT procurement represents a business process of high importance, including the ability to articulate requirements that the procurement deals with. Furthermore, specifying requirements is of importance for both procurer and potential supplier, as it functions as central contractual element between the two. The purpose of this article is two-fold: (i) to show how established terminology for requirement specification is represented in current call for bids for the procurement of IT; and (ii) to introduce an organizing framework that may assist procurers in actively addressing functional requirements and business requirements. Ten “call for bids” were examined from a Swedish national procurement database. From the analysis of the bids, it can be concluded that: (i) the call for bids displays a high degree of precision regarding hardware aspects, but less precision regarding software; (ii) supplier experience and competence is stressed, but rarely elaborated on in detail; and (iii) call for bids vagueness may be used as a lock-in opportunity for suppliers. From the discussion on this, a tentative procurement framework is suggested, aiming on increasing the logical transparency for the procurement of IT.

      Keywords:procurement of IT, software specification, government procurement, software requirement, procurement checklist

  • | A multi-layered software architecture model for building software solutions in an urbanized information system
    [2013] Sana Guetat, Salem Dakhli

    • Abstract: The concept of Information Systems urbanization has been proposed since the late 1990’s in order to help organizations building agile information systems. Nevertheless, despite the advantages of this concept, it remains too descriptive and presents many weaknesses. In particular, there is a lack of useful architecture models dedicated to defining software solutions compliant with information systems urbanization principles and rules. Moreover, well-known software architecture models do not provide sufficient resources to address the requirements and constraints of urbanized information systems. In this paper, we draw on the “information city” framework to propose a model of software architecture - called the 5+1 Software Architecture Model - which is compliant with information systems urbanization principles and helps organizations building urbanized software solutions. This framework improves the well-established software architecture models and allows the integration of new architectural paradigms. Furthermore, the proposed model contributes to the implementation of information systems urbanization in several ways. On the one hand, this model devotes a specific layer to applications integration and software reuse. On the other hand, it contributes to the information system agility and scalability due to its conformity to the separation of concerns principle.

      Keywords:information system urbanization, software architecture, software layer, software service, architecture rule, urbanization principle

  • | A case study on variability management in software product lines: identifying why real-life projects fail
    [2013] Tom Huysegoms, Monique Snoeck, Guido Dedene, Antoon Goderis

    • Abstract: Economies of scale can be seen as some kind of “holy grail” in state of the art literature on the development of sets of related software systems. Software product line methods are often mentioned in this context, due to the variability management aspects they propose, in order to deal with sets of related software systems. They realize the sought-after reusability. Both variability management and software product lines already have a strong presence in theoretical research, but in real-life software product line projects trying to obtain economies of scale still tend to fall short of target. The objective of this paper is to study this gap between theory and reality through a case study in order to see why such gap exists, and to find a way to bridge this gap. Through analysis of the causes of failure identified by the stakeholders in the case study, the underlying problem, which is found to be located in the requirements engineering phase, is crystallized. The identification of a framework describing the problems will provide practitioners with a better focus for future endeavors in the field of software product lines, so that economies of scale can be achieved.

      Keywords:software product lines, variability management, harmonization & variabilization, requirements engineering, case study